Еssay on Human Cloning

The cloning debate is especially strong during last several years and both sides give very convincing arguments pro and contra cloning. In this paper we are going to touch the issues of cloning as one of the most interesting and mysterious processes in the nowadays science.

In my paper I will try to give reasons against cloning, as I believe that it’s necessary to perform much research and experiments before making cloning the part of our everyday life.

The most furious opponents of cloning describe terrible pictures of army of clones created with the help of this method. Reproductive cloning became the subject of concern of not only scientists, but also the politicians and was forbidden in many countries. This cloning wasn’t tested on humans yet. Moral and ethical side of this problem provokes a lot of debates in the modern society. In addition, experiments done on animals show big percentage of irreversible genetic changes in the cloned animals, which provokes additional concerns. The most radical and conservative enemies of any kinds of cloning predict degradation of human race if cloning is ever used for humans.

Moral dilemma is the first issue, which comes to our mind when we start talking about cloning. Most religions organisation don’t support cloning as they estimate it like actions against Divine plan and like those, which contradict God’s will. Religious figures state that God’s opinion is expressed in the Bible and this opinion definitely sentences cloning. There are passages in the Bible where it’s mentioned that human wish to liken to God will be punished severely.

“The Islamic perspective, like that of the African Americans, says that society is not ready for this kind of new technology. Dr. Maher Hathout stated that “The position of many Muslim scholars is not different than the one adopted by the Vatican” (Appleyard, Bryan (1998)).

Moral issue  is a serious reason against human cloning. It’s hard to imagine what both – the parent whose DNA was used to make a clone and children feel during their interaction. First of all parent will see younger copy of himself or herself and it’s hard to predict possible reaction. Another problem arises for child when he knows exactly the way he will look in the future, the way he behaves, makes choices, etc. Another important problem arises when we think about another parent, who will see in the clone a copy of his beloved spouse who will be 20 years younger, in addition. Technically, there will be even no incest if they fall in love with each other, as clone doesn’t have same blood as any of the parents. These are only some of possible problems which can arise when in comes to moral issue.

We also should consider that cloning isn’t an integral part of our society yet and cloned child can suffer from the negative attitude of the surrounding, which can also create serious problems for adaptation.

Moral issue puts another difficult dilemma in front of those who call cloning safe and reliable method of reproduction. We still do not have any regulations in this field and in controversial issues like this there is always a threat that innovation gets into the wrong hands and creates more harms than use.

Dr. Dixon, one of the prominent experts on the field of ethics of cloning is very harsh when expressing his opinion about the future of cloning adult people. He states that “The only reasons people want to clone are for selfish reasons. They are totally obsessed with their own right to have a clone or to clone dead relatives, without any regard to the welfare of the child, and this is the whole thrust of it.” (R. C. Lewontin, (October 23, 1997)).

Cloning is definitely an innovative method of reproduction, which opens wide perspective in many branches of science. In can be used in medicine, agriculture, chemistry and many other sciences. But I think there must be done a lot of research and testing before it becomes a part of our life. I believe that those, who see only positive aspects of cloning and possible use it can bring, undermine the problems and complications it can cause if used thoughtlessly.

Mutations, degradation and unpredictable and irreversible changes of the animals and humans produced with the help of this method of reproduction only the most significant problems it can cause. There are many others and only considerable study of all possible consequences and pros and contras must influence final decision in this field. From the ethical point of view cloning is also a rather controversial problem and a lot of effort is needed to solve it or at least to come to some certain agreement about this issue.

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