Research Essay


Research work consists of several stages: acquaintance to a problem in references; discussion of the problem with the research supervisor; definition of the direction of research, specific goals and tasks; performance of a practical part of work and generalization of results. One of the main difficulties of young researchers is the inability to issue research work, to make theses and the report. Often, exactly this problem becomes the reason of low estimates of work.

To avoid mistakes, it is necessary to know the general rules of registration of research essay:

1. Structure of research work;

2. How to prepare the manuscript;

3. Ruled registrations of the title page;

4. Ruled registrations of tables and illustrations;

5. Ruled representations of formulas, writing of symbols;

6. Ruled registrations of quotes and references;

7. Registration of appendices and notes;

8. Ruled bibliography registrations.

In the introduction part of work we should briefly formulate an urgency of the chosen subject, the purpose and a task. Formulating a subject and an object of research, specifying research methods, theoretical and practical value of the received results, possibilities of their use (where, when, whom) are of vital importance.

Introduction is a very responsible part of work. It focuses the reader on subject disclosure, and also contains important qualifying characteristics.

At the end of the prologue it is desirable to open the structure of the research work, to list the basic structural elements and to prove sequence of their arrangement.

In the beginning of the main part of the research work we should give the analysis of the theoretical material, received from references on this problem, considering in details a technique and equipment of research, thus, allocating the practical part and generalized results. All materials which are not very important for understanding of a scientific task, auxiliary and additional materials are taking out in appendices and notes. The maintenance of heads of the main part should correspond completely to a subject and open it fully. These heads should show ability of the researcher in a compressed form, and state the material quite logical.

The conclusion is not only a simple list of the received results, it is a synthesis of information of the main part.

Extremely important to state consistently and logically the received results and their ratio with the purpose and the tasks put in the prologue of work. The conclusion assumes existence of the generalized assessment of the done work.

It is important to specify, what is the main sense, what important collateral scientific results are received, what new tasks rise. In certain cases there is a need to specify a way of further research, and also specific objectives which should be solved firstly.

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