What are the pros of condoms for teenagers?

What are the pros of condoms for teenagers?
Ӣ Condoms reduce the risk of unwanted pregnancy
Ӣ Condoms reduce the chance of catching a STI
Ӣ Condoms are readily available
Ӣ Condoms are extremely cheap if obtained through the Family Planning Centre
Ӣ Condoms are easy to use
Ӣ There are many different brands, try different ones until you find one that suits you
Ӣ Condoms have no side effects
Ӣ Condoms help to prevent cancer of the cervix (the opening to your womb)
The cheapest way to get condoms is on prescription from your family doctor or Family Planning Centre ”“ see below to find your nearest FPC. They can be bought at supermarkets, pharmacies, garages, dairies, pubs and clubs and public toilets. They’re everywhere! Condoms are easy to buy at any pharmacy, but one look at the extensive rack of options may send an inexperienced condom user scurrying for a different aisle. Opting to get free condoms online allows teenagers to sample several different brands and designs to learn which types of condoms are suitable for their needs and preferences. Getting condoms online is more than just applying for free samples, however. Many organizations offer free condoms for a variety of reasons.
We have to catch and remember that there is no age requirement to purchase condoms, so don’t worry that anyone will card you. There is nothing to be ashamed of by buying condoms.

The main reasons/excuses for not using condoms is that they wanted to feel more intimate, that sex was better without or that they used other forms of contraceptives.
The main reasons for using the condoms were to avoid pregnancy and to make intercourses last longer. Few of the teens reported being worried about sexually transmitted diseases.
Poverty in itself, speak, not defect though consequences of permanent shortage of a cash can push to acts very not trivial (in England would tell – extravagant).

The following case is even more remarkable: the British teenagers, writes incomparable The Sun, are compelled to use as contraceptive means… Bags from under chips. For condoms it is too expensive for them. We now will not go deep into history, recollecting of what condoms were made at various times, but to such still, apparently, nobody reached. It is remarkable, however, that teenagers – possibly, strongly frightened of meetings with the pregnant homeless, – prefer to use any rubbish, rather than not to be protected in general (because of what they can be held up as an example to more adult and more well-founded fellow citizens). Besides bags from under chips no-purpose use of a thin film in which products in shops usually turn is noted also.

According to British sexologist Peter Grinhausa, to such the despair can finish people only. “These children are so poor, that do not presume to pay to itself for journey to public transport, buying condoms”.
Leaves, condoms and journey in the United Kingdom cost much, and chips – is very cheap. After all not on dustbins teenagers get adaptations for safe sex.
I believe that schools should provide teenagers with condoms because they are a means to practicing safe sex.
Condoms need to be distributed to students to save lives; people need to realize this.

Experts and policy makers hope that in the long run, adolescents and other people actively using condoms would understand the value of safe sex. When that time comes, it would be safe to assert that there is finally the dawn of an enlightened era.
So here’s my proposal: Let’s get the people who do marketing for cigarettes and hyper-caffeinated soft drinks to put their might behind marketing condoms. If condoms were presented as fun and cool, wouldn’t teens be more likely to at least buy them, and perhaps even to use them?

Works Cited:


1. Mark A. Goldstein, Myrna Chandler Goldstein; Greenwood Press, 2000

2. Andrew L. Cherry, Mary E. Dillon, Douglas Rugh; Greenwood Press, 2001
3. “Guide to Safer Sex (Concise),” Society for Human Sexuality
4. “The Truth About Condoms,” SIECUS fact sheet, 2004
5. Sharon Jayson, USA TODAY news Washington Post, Aug. 02, 2006.


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