Burr, D.W. Is University Parking a Common Grievance? Parking Today. September,
2011. Available from:< http://www.parkingtoday.com/articledetails.php?id=1072>
In this article, David W. Burr, who is a Senior Parking Planner with Rich & Associates, discusses some possible solutions to the problem of university parking. He states that many students, staff and faculty members know that “parking is one of the most widespread and frustrating problems afflicting U.S. colleges and universities”, and that it requires prompt solutions (Burr). The author of the article identifies the main reasons of parking problem, which include rising enrollment numbers, “car culture” and lack of control measures. David W. Burr is sure that effective planning, the use of bicycles, improvement of paths for walking short distances can help to solve parking problem in universities and colleges.
Roff, A. Campus parking problems plague colleges nationwide. The Marist College
Circle. November 12, 2003. Available from:< http://www.maristcircle.com/campus-parking-problems-plague-colleges-nationwide-1.2451156>
This article discusses one of the universal problems of college campuses throughout the Unites States ”“ the problem of student parking. The author of the article compares different educational institutions in relation to the availability of parking spaces. It is found that this problem relates to a large number of institutions, including Duke University in North Carolina, Auburn University in Alabama, the University of Arkansas, Marist College, and many other educational institutions. This problem creates indignation not only of the students, but also of the staff and faculty. The faculty members as well as other employees have no opportunity to park their cars, and as a result, they fail to perform their duties in a proper way. Some of the suggestions to solve this problem are “to build upward and add parking garages in order to combat the lack of space”, to utilize bus system instead of cars, and to choose walking instead of driving a car (Roff).
The Truth about UNC Charlotte Parking. Parking.uncc.edu. Available
from:< http://pats.uncc.edu/sites/pats.uncc.edu/files/media/docs/Parking-uncc-truth.pdf>
This source of information helps to understand the significance of the problem connected with parking in the universities. The article defines the term permit price and gives clear description of its application. It is found that at UNC Charlotte Parking, “everyone who buys a permit is able to park” (The Truth about UNC Charlotte Parking). If there are some spare spaces, it is allowed to sell more permits. It is found that permit proceeds are spent on design of new parking decks and their construction, as well as on debt service and maintenance of existing parking decks and lots. The price should be the same for the faculty, the support staff and the students.
Whistleblower 9: UNCC Students Upset By Parking Situation. Wsoctv.com. October 5, 2009.
Available from:< http://www.wsoctv.com/news/news/whistleblower-9-uncc-students-upset-by-parking-sit/nG9Td/>
This article proves the fact that today the problem of parking is an acute one because more and more people drive cars. There are several cases in the article that describe this problem in different universities. Clara Alden complains that she pays $300 for a parking permit, but often she has no opportunity to find a parking space for her car. She often misses her classes. The same situation is found in other universities. Many universities try to add new parking spaces in order to solve this problem, but some students do not want to park in lots farther away from the center of their campuses.