Instructional goals and problem-solving skills
First of all, it is important to focus on goals of the study, which should include the search of the problem, its clear and precise definition, finding methods of the research of the problem, searching and analysis of possible solutions of the problem.
Selection and definition of the problem
In fact, it is possible to distinguish two points which define the position of the authors. On the one hand, obesity is taken for granted and children with obesity should simply accept it. On the other hand, the existing food culture should be totally changed and behaviors leading to obesity should be stigmatized.
In fact, among the major problems of obese children is their physical health. Children with obesity face a higher risk of the development of atherosclerosis, cardio-vascular diseases, high blood pressure and many other health problems. In addition, the author is very skeptical about numerous diets which are extremely popular in the modern culture. In fact, the author argues that numerous diets can have a disastrous effect on the health of individuals suffering from obesity since diets often misbalance the nutrition and consumption of vitally important elements. As a result, human body is likely to grow exhausted than to become slim.
At the same time, the author underlines the significance of a huge psychological pressure on individuals with obesity. In actuality, children with obesity often have a very low self-esteem, they are dissatisfied with their appearance and poor physical shape. As a result, the risk of a depression increases dramatically. In such a situation, the suggestion of the author to accept obesity as it is and find some internal balance, shape a positive image of an individual’s self is important for the normal life of children with obesity. In other words, these children should reshape their view on themselves and on obesity and view themselves and overweight positively.
Obviously, such a recommendation seems to be logical in terms of the improvement of the psychological state of children with obesity since the formation of a positive view is important for them since it helps to increase their self-esteem. Moreover, potentially, this may be the consistent step forward to the total change of their lifestyle. If children with obesity will positively perceive themselves they will attempt to lead the life other people.
Children with obesity will not be able to cope with their health problem, if they perceive obesity as a norm. Obesity is a serious problem, which originates not form the wrong self-perception of individuals with obesity, but it is rather the result of a totally wrong food culture imposed on children by their social environment, including their own parents. In such a context, behaviors leading to obesity are the major factors contributing to the rapid spread of this problem in society. Obesity spreads very fast and the reason is the wrong food habits of people. In fact, the existing food culture does not contribute to the formation of health food habits and the author very skeptical about recommendations concerning diets for children. The development of healthy food culture and parents, above all, should be concerned with food habits their children develop. In such a way, it is parents who are responsible for the food culture of their children and, therefore, it is parents and social environment of an individual that are responsible for the development of obesity.
Today, it is obvious that causes of obesity are diverse. This dangerous health problem is mainly provoked by the existing food culture and sedative lifestyle. This is why it is impossible to either justify or condemn the contemporary food culture, or justify or condemn obesity.
Instead, it is necessary to understand that obesity is a serious problem, which, though, does not make overweighed children worse or better.
In fact, obesity breeds multiple health problems and, therefore, whether an overweighed person takes obesity for granted or suffers from depression and accuses his parents who contributed the formation of wrong food habits, he needs to change his lifestyle and diet.
Formulation of the problem question
The formulation of the problem question is key for the overall success of the research. Hence, the problem question is: whether obesity should be treated as a serious disease or people suffering from obesity should take obesity for granted and live with it abandoning efforts to cope with this problem.
Determination of sources of information
Sources of information should be recent studies published in specialized journals. At the same time, it is important to use current news media to get information on current debates concerning the problem of children obesity. In addition, it is possible to interview specialists, such as healthcare professionals, dietologists, sociologists, and parents.
Structure of the procedures for collecting data
Firstly, it is necessary to study the literature related to the subject ”“ children obesity. Secondly, it is necessary to get information on recent issues related to children obesity and after that interview specialists and parents.
Description on how data will be interpreted
The data collected should be grouped into two categories: for treatment of children obesity (physical exercises and active physiological treatment of obesity) and for changing children’s psychology to make obesity less traumatic psychologically (psychological treatment without physiological one). The analysis of strengths and weaknesses of both positions to determine the most reliable and valid one. The analysis statistical information to define the extent to which children obesity is dangerous and whether there is a link between family food culture and obesity in children.
Solutions of the problem
Unhealthy behaviors leading to obesity should be stigmatized and eliminated. Obesity is problem children should struggle with. On the other hand, children with obesity should view themselves positively, avoid dangerous diets and actually accept themselves as they are.
Alternatively, it is necessary to solve the problem of obesity. In this regard, he recommends changing the food culture and he underlines the importance of avoidance of behaviors leading to obesity.
Only through physical exercises and healthy food can solve the problem of overweight. As long as the problem of obesity remains unresolved, all discussions on causes of obesity and its perception are deprived of practical sense. Hence, it is necessary to change the existing food culture and behaviors along with the change of self-perception by children with obesity.
 List of the activities
Search and definition of the problem. Definition of goals of the study and planning the study, including the definition of methods and sources used in the study. On gathering data, the information should be processed and analyzed to make reliable and valid conclusions and define the most effective solutions of the problem.