Essay on Managing People: The benefits of training and development to employees

Training and development programs have many benefits to employees. These benefits are defined as internal benefits to individuals, including getting new knowledge and attitudes, and external benefits to individuals, including higher wages, “improved marketability, greater security of employment and more opportunities for promotion and advancement” (Saks & Haccoun, 2011: 10). As a rule, trained employees are more confident and have an opportunity to apply their skills and abilities to any difficult situation. According to the recent research, training has positive impact on the behavior of employees in the workplace, motivation and on their job performance. Based on different training courses, the researchers assessed the impact of those courses on employees’ capabilities and potentialities, and found out that most employees “were able to work much faster and easier at their workplace now as compared to before the training courses” (Noor, Baharein, & Dola, 2012: 23). In addition, trained employees have feelings of usefulness and belonging and seek an opportunity to apply their new skills in a proper way.

The benefits of training and development to society

            Training and development in organizations also has many benefits to our society because more and more educated and skilled people participate in social activities and benefit the country’s economy and the society’s standard of living. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired through different workplace training programs and courses “can help to create an educated and skilled workforce” (Saks & Haccoun, 2011:10). In addition, employees can use their knowledge in their personal lives. They become more disciplined, self-confident and responsible. Improvement of the country’s productivity depends on the educational level of employees (Aguinis & Kraiger, 2009). Training and development programs for employees have its impact on the country’s economy because trained employees get higher wages and have more money to spend. Moreover, “countries with higher education levels have more and better employment opportunities” (Saks & Haccoun, 2011:10).

The most important aspects to consider

when engaging in training and development

            It is very important to remember that learning is an individual activity and that trainers should use the appropriate training methods for this or that group of employees. The major influences or pressures that affect the employee’s willingness to learn include past experience of learning, rewards and punishments, the employee’s learning style, methods of learning, recognition of needs and content of training, impact of colleagues, boss, and tutor and culture or climate in the group (Prokopenko, 1998).

In addition, training should be result-oriented. This fact means that the first and the most important task is to provide assessment of training needs through the identification of the major organizational problems (Harrison, 2005). Joseph Procopenko states that it is the duty of human resource managers to “find out what conditions should be created in order to make sure that this training and development program (or course) will have a positive impact on organizational performance” (1998:81). According to Richard Barrett (2003), effective training and development in business organizations involves identifying the needs and requirements of human resource development, employee skills auditing, effective planning, designing and delivery of training in the workplace, and evaluation of training and development.

In addition, it is recommended to have a well-planned training and development policy so that the employees at all levels of organizational structure are aware of the requirements of their organization and their own rights and responsibilities. As a rule, the policy helps in the financial planning of the training and development process. Moreover, the organization’s training and development policy should inform the employees about the major benefits of training and development to staff. Each employee should be aware of the fact that “personal development is an individual responsibility within the organization” (Barrett, 2003:14).

Special attention should be paid to planning, resourcing and evaluating of training process. Training activities should have positive impact on business. The following stages will help to plan training and development process within the organization: identifying the major training objectives, identifying resource needs, selecting the appropriate training method, designing the training program, validating the training program and evaluating the training (Barrett, 2003).

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