A scale crisis in the American economy requires a serious analysis and needs prognostication. In this summary of the article I want to pay attention on the last events in the American economy a year later after global world crisis. I want to emphasize that this year was hard for economy of all countries and now some perspectives for the future development appeared. For my opinion, it is now possible to assert that crisis can be simply considered neither an “infection”, brought from a western economy nor cleanly by the American cyclic crisis. Combination of external and internal factors gives to crisis the known uniqueness. It is important to comprehend what be going on processes, formulate requirements to their monitoring, to define measures, emollient the sharpness of the crisis phenomena, and to produce approaches, directed on the search of “asleep” today forces which are able to become the engine of subsequent modernization of the American economy.
For my analysis it was taken an article about crisis and its influence on the world economic situation. From the article we understood that there had place different economic changes and we looked at the crisis from another side and heard about future perspectives and even about anxious hope for the future. Different companies suffered from the crisis and now they have some perspectives which can change situation and help to place priorities for the future work. Of course main priorities connected with companies’ future expectations and they are the result of profit, hiring and demand outlook. We can make a conclusion from the article that the world in five years will change main economic strategies of the development which are pawned exactly today. In acknowledgement of these words I want to quote one part from the article: “Respondents from almost three-quarters of the companies expect them to be in a stronger competitive position five years from now than they were before September 2008. Respondents who expect their companies to be stronger in the long term are likelier than others to say that they are focusing on flexibility, new products, and long-term planning and that their industries will consolidate.”
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned I can make a conclusion that many American companies believe in their future rebirth and have even far going expectations. For my opinion it is absolutely correct position which will help to be more effective in sphere of the economic planning and it will also help to improve nowadays situation.