The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate that the author has successfully fulfilled the aim of this study, which is to investigate the level of implementing Lean Six Sigma construction industry The aim of this very last chapter is to present an overall summary of the results with the aid of comprehensive figures and models. In addition, the author has recommended some relevant strategies as to improve the level of application of LSS in construction industry, as well as further research in related to this particular topic.
7.2 Conclusions
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that LSS has substantial perspectives in terms of its application in organization operating in the construction industry. However, organizations operating in the construction industry should take into consideration specificities of the strategy and their own organizational structure and culture as well as their traditional strategies, position in the market and human resource management. In other words, before implementing the LSS, organizations should conduct the detailed analysis to understand their needs, threats and strengths and to implement the LSS effectively. At this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that the LSS is a new term and many organizations have never implemented this strategy before. Therefore, they may confront certain problems while implementing this strategy. In actuality, the overall application of LSS is low and factors can that can improve the level of application and implementation of LSS in construction industry whole LSS as might not be implemented in construction industries but some of its components are involved. The current study has proved that LSS is more popular among those with less than three years of working experience whereas remain unpopular among those with more than Three years of working experience (Wilson, 2010).
At the same time, organizations should be aware of possible risks and threats they may confront in the course of the implementation of the LSS. The opposition of the personnel to changes may be named among the most serious problems organizations implementing the LSS. In fact, many organizations fail to complete the LSS successfully because they fail to inform the personnel about upcoming changes and provide them with detailed information on consequences and goals of the change. In such a situation, organizations may also face a risk of the rise of informal leadership and opposition to the change.
Nevertheless, if organizations manage to implement the LSS successfully, they can count for positive outcomes because the LSS contributes to the consistent improvement of the organizational performance. In this regard, it is necessary to take into consideration several factors. First of all, the LSS contributes to the consistent improvement of the quality of products, services and internal business processes. Therefore, the organizational performance improves consistently. Second, the LSS contributes to the improvement of organizational culture and stimulates the optimization of the organizational structure. As a result, organizations can save costs and optimize their performance (Wilson, 2010). Third, changes introduced in organizations after the implementation of the LSS lead to the improvement of the company-customer relationships, which are particularly important in the contemporary business environment. In fact, the LSS can improve not only the quality of products and services delivered to customers but also it can increase the customer satisfaction and loyalty. As a result, organizations can benefit from the introduction of the LSS, which leads to the improvement of organizational culture and structure and improvement of company-customer relationships. However, it is important to stress that the implementation of the LSS in the construction is still limited and it may be particularly successful in organizations operating for less than three years.
7.3 Recommendations
In fact, it proves beyond a doubt that the LSS has a considerable potential and bring positive results for organizations implementing this strategy but the problems related to the implementation of the LSS identified in the current study can become unsurpassable barriers for organizations on their way to the successful implementation of the LSS. In this respect, it is possible to provide several recommendations, which can help organizations to implement the LSS successfully. First of all, organizations should conduct the promotional campaign to reach their employees (Ehrlich, 2002). What is meant here is the fact that organizations should explain employees goals and expected effects after the implementation of the LSS. In such a way, organizations will minimize the risk of the opposition to changes associated with the implementation of the LSS from the part of employees. In addition, organizations may involve employees in the elaboration of the strategy and introduce their own suggestions to increase the effectiveness of changes, which aim at the improvement of the quality of business management.
Furthermore, organizations should implement the LSS only after the detailed analysis of their strengths and weaknesses along with the analysis of the current marketing environment and their competitive position in the market (Flick, 2009). In such a way, organizations will assess objectively their position in the market and their readiness to introduce changes associated with the implementation of the LSS. Moreover, organizations will define accurately their needs and goals, which they have to meet in the course of the implementation of the LSS (Dahlgaard and Dahlgaard-Park, 2006). As a result, organizations would be able to implement the LSS effectively.
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