Asset Maintenance Management Course – Master in Facilities Management


Table of contents:

1. Executive summary

2. Introduction

3. Asset maintenance policy

4. Asset maintenance program

5. Health, safety and environmental concerns

6. Maintenance cost analysis

7. Outsourcing strategy

8. Conclusion

9. Works cited

  1. Appendices



 Executive summary

The maintenance management is of the utmost importance. The construction and maintenance of buildings is an extremely complex process. In such a situation, the construction and maintenance of Al Wosail Tower, Doha, is particularly challengeable because the building should meet the high quality standards which traditionally attributed to such buildings and provide employees and customers with the high level of comfort and security, ensuring a long-run functioning of the building. Therefore, the asset maintenance should focus on the health, safety and environmental concerns and, simultaneously, the maintenance should be based on the clear and efficient plan which allows the normal functioning of the building.



The development of modern business heavily relies on the asset maintenance and management. The effectiveness of maintenance of facilities can define the effectiveness of the organizational performance because it influences consistently the quality of services and products a company sells to its customers. In this respect, it is possible to refer to the case of Al Wosail Tower, Doha. The building is supposed to be used as a business center, which facilities will be used as offices and supporting facilities. At the same time, the development of an efficient business center will need the efficient maintenance policy which can provide a stable and reliable functioning of the building and facilities. In this respect, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that the building will consists of several levels.

There are 16 office floors above ground level with a mix of predominantly cellular offices and some open plan accommodation. Useable floor space totals approximately 13,500 sq. meters. The floor distribution will be as follows:

  • Car parking on basement and ground levels
  • Main arrival lobby on ground floor
  • Mail room, reprographic room, central file room and prayer rooms on level 1
  • Restaurant  and coffee shop on level 2
  • Conference center, board room, and meeting rooms on levels 3
  • Offices on level 4-16
  • Levels 5-9 will be vacant at the time of initial occupation

The building will be smoke-free that reflects the strategy of the company aiming at the health safety of the personnel and customers of the company. At the same time, the Al Wosail Tower, Doha will have a complex but efficient structure where offices will be supported by facilities which facilitate the work of employees in offices and allows employees as well as customers to have breaks, organize conferences, have a dinner, etc. In other words, the Al Wosail Tower, Doha is supposed to provide a wide range of services to employees and customers. The company pays a particular attention to the problem of security and smoke-free principle will eliminate the threat of fire, while special locations will be destined to smoking outside the building. Therefore, the surrounding facilities will be also important for the efficient functioning and maintenance of the building.

The main features of the building are as follows:

Ground floor

  • Visitor drop-off area and visitor parking
  • Revolving doors to secure entrance area
  • Security control room adjacent to reception desk
  • Main and secondary entrance
  • Meeting room for casual visitors
  • Security pavilion ”“ free-standing air-conditioned enclosure
  • Screening pavilion ”“ mail X-ray screening room
  • Trash pavilion ”“ free standing enclosure with vertical waste compactor

Basement floor

  • Car-parking level
  • Workspace for maintenance technicians
  • Full height turnstiles with security control to include card readers

Support floor ”“ level 1

  • Mail and reprographics room, stationary storage and central files
  • Separate male and female prayer rooms with ablution facilities
  • Shower rooms and lockers

Support floor ”“ level 2

  • Restaurant with facilities to seat 40-50 pax in one sitting. However, throughout the opening hours of 07.00 to 14.00 hours the area can serve more than 300 pax
  • Coffee shop with table seating for 10-18 pax
  • Convenience store selling newspapers, consumables, confectionaries, snacks and Exxon-Mobil merchandise
  • Emergency response room
  • Travel office

Support floor ”“ level 3

  • Conference center comprising board room and meeting rooms, equipped with state-of-art audio visual equipment, video-conferencing and teleconferencing equipment, cameras, projectors and sound systems

Support floors ”“ level 4-16

  • Typical office floors with approximate seat capacity per floor of 43
  • Small “touch down” meeting rooms on every floor
  • One coffee station per floor
  • Shared photocopy facilities
  • Male and female restrooms

In such a way, the Al Wosail Tower, Doha will be a modern building with office and support facilities. The main goal the contractor constructing the building should meet is the adaptation of the building to high standards of ExxonMobil. Consequently, the construction of the building implies the high quality standards, which refers not only to the quality of materials and building itself, but also to health and safety norms as well as the use of environmentally friendly materials and technologies in process of construction. In addition, the Al Wosail Tower, Doha should have no negative impact on the environment after the accomplishment of the construction and the maintenance of the building should also take into consideration environmental concerns of the company and modern society which influences the company’s environmental policies.


Asset maintenance policy

Taking into consideration the objectives and high standards requirements to the building of Al Wosail Tower, Doha, it is necessary to develop an efficient asset maintenance policy. To put it more precisely, the asset maintenance policy is an essential condition of the efficient functioning of the entire building and its infrastructure. The functioning of the building will not stop after its construction. In stark contrast, the construction is just the initial stage which opens the way to the realization of the full potential of the building. The latter means that the building should be maintained in a proper order and provide employees and customers with all essential conveniences, equipment and services which are needed for the normal work of employees. In addition, the asset maintenance policy should focus not only on the maintenance of working areas, i.e. areas where people work, but also it is necessary to focus on other areas, including restaurant, restrooms, prayer rooms, infrastructure, etc.

In this respect, it should be said that the maintenance policy is crucial for the organization because it provides ample opportunities for the steady development of the facility and company. In fact, the asset maintenance policy provides a number of advantages:

  • Provides large opportunities for the steady development of the company
  • Increases the efficiency of the organizational performance
  • Contributes to the formation of a positive public image of the company
  • Opens opportunities for the implementation of innovations
  • Prevents risks and threats to the life and health of employees and customers within the building
  • Ensures efficient assistance in case of emergency

It is necessary to stress that the successful functioning of Al Wosail Tower, Doha is to a significant extent determined by the effectiveness of its supply chain management. In this respect, it is necessary to analyze the company’s supply chain on two levels: internal and external.

Speaking about internal supply chain it should be said that the company has a well-developed infrastructure which provides all units and employees of the hotel to cooperate effectively (Stewart, 184). To put it more precisely, a potential customer that comes to Al Wosail Tower, Doha can feel the effectiveness of the internal supply chain since the beginning. The customer is served without delay from the moment of reception to room services and the moment the customer leaves the hotel. There is a close interaction between all the employees of the hotel. Basically, it is possible to distinguish employees that are in direct contact with a customer who receives orders of a customer, which they convey to other employees which work on the fulfillment of the orders, and finally, they deliver the product or service directly to the customer. For instance, if a customer wants to have a dinner in the Al Wosail Tower, Doha restaurant he may just make an order, using his phone for instance. The receptionist conveys his order to the restaurant, where the personnel of the restaurants fulfill the order cooking the ordered dishes and preparing the table for the customer or delivering the order to the customer’s room. In such a way, the customer can receive all services he/she wants without even leaving his/her room. Naturally, this contributes to the high level of customer satisfaction increasing the popularity of the hotel. It should be said that the company can offer really exotic food, even for local people since there is a good Indian restaurant, for instance (Review, 2007). Also, it is worthy of mention that the supply of products, and such services as laundry and the like, are conducted on the local level, i.e. the local facilities or partners of Al Wosail Tower, Doha  in the state of Dubai are used.

Within the following ten years the internal supply chain should focus on the following

  • Recruitment of professionals
  • Organization of training courses for employees and managers
  • Training a leading group of employees and managers
  • Sharing the knowledge (training courses within the organization conducted by members of the leading group and involving all employees and managers working at Al Wosail Tower, Doha)
  • Minimization of the personnel turnover
  • Development of employees’ loyalty
  • Development of a positive organizational culture

As for the external chain, it should be said that through the external chain Al Wosail Tower, Doha receives not only some material products but the company also receives professional staff that is transferred from other countries to improve the performance of the company in the state of Dubai. In such a way, it is possible to speak about the supply of knowledge and information concerning professional qualities and implications of employees in the hotel in the state of Dubai. This supply is really important because it helps maintain the high international standards of Al Wosail Tower, Doha that are accepted in other countries where the company operates and which customers get used to. Also, the external supply chain provides the supply of highly technological equipment for the hotel which is not produced in the state of Dubai, such as sophisticated means of telecommunications, for instance.

Hence, within the following ten years the external supply chain should focus on the following:

  • Supply of materials for the construction and maintenance of the building
  • Supply of equipment
  • Development of a strategy introduction of technological innovations (search companies capable to supply IT, provide IS, essential equipment for the maintenance of Al Wosail Tower, Doha)
  • Involve professionals to train the personnel and promote new quality standards

At the same time, in order to understand prospects and the current position of the company, it is necessary to identify key performance indicators, which are crucial for the development of efficient management strategy and facilities maintenance. In this respect, it is possible to refer to the follow table which defines key performance indicators:

First of all, it shouldbbe sia dthat the side possession and adminsitration areextremely importatn in the contemporary business environment because they lay a foundation to the development of business. To put it more precisely, to develop a long-run business project the company needs to posses the site where it can construct the building and facilities and develop infrastructure. In suhc a way, the possission is an essential condition of the development of the company’s facilities. At the same time, the possession of the site is not sufficeint for the overall success of the company. In fact, the company needs to manage the site efficiently in order to use its full potential and maximize its revenues when the construction of facilities on the site is accomplished. The development of facilites opens larger perspectives for the company’s development and this is exactly where the role of managemetn becomes obvious. However, the efficient management is needed since the moment of the start of the construction because the construction does not occur spontaneously. Instead, it is a result of a carefulyl devleoped plan of the development of the site and business. In other words, the construction is a starting point in the implementation of the business plan of the company. Therefore, planning is essenital for the efficient management. In fact, planning an extremely important function of management since the normal work of organizations depended on planning and how plans were carried out. In this respect, managers traditionally played the key role in planning, though, nowadays, employees have started to play increasingly more important role in planning.

Today, planning lays the foundation for the development and implementation of management strategies and achievement of strategic goals of a company (Benfari, 1999). At the same time, organizing is not less important because the successful implementation of the plan is impossible without the proper organizing work of managers, who are key players in planning. What is meant here is the fact that a manager performs the role of a person who plans and organizes the work of an organization or certain group of people within the organization in order to achieve the goals set by the manager or by the owner or board of the company.

In this respect, it is important to underline that organizing work of a manager should contradict to the original plan (Gitlow, 1997). For instance, during the planning a manger could elaborate certain methods and strategies he or she will use to achieve the goals set for the company (Breneman & Taylor, 1996). Consequently, he cannot use methods which are ineffective and does not meet the plan. For instance, if the planning implies the democratization of the organization and elimination of strict, bureaucratic control, then, during organizing stage, a manager cannot exercise his or her authority and limit the autonomy of employees.

Finally, employees are also key players in planning because without their support managers cannot elaborate a plan that will work effectively (Mohrman, 1998). In fact, it is through interaction of employees and managers a plan can be developed and implemented successfully.

Furthermore, on constructing the building, the company should focus on the maintenance of the normal and efficient functioning of all systems within the building. What is meant here is the fact that the company needs to focus on the provision and maintenance of mechanical, electrical equipment and plumbing. In fact, all the systems should function perfectly. Otherwise, the malfunctioning of either system can undermine the normal organizational performance. In fact, the contemporary buildings are normally equipped with highly technological and sophisticated equipment and devices which functioning depends on the stable supply of electricity. Naturally, if the organization cannot maintain electrical equipment, it can lead to the instable work of electrical equipment that will naturally create inconveniences not only to employees working at the company but also to customers. Moreover, the company will be unable to work as effectively and productively as it does when all systems function well. In such a way, the maintenance of mechanical, electrical equipment and plumbing is of the utmost importance. In addition, it is important to remember that problems in the maintenance of these systems can lead to the gradual destruction of the building because modern buildings are constructed with complex systems and if plumbing does not work properly, it can affect the normal work of a large number of people.

In the contemporary business environment, communication plays an extremely important role. In fact, the development of IT and telecommunications contributed to a substantial change in the life of people. Today, they need to use modern IT and telecommunication systems to communicate with their relatives, friends, business partners, etc. Therefore, modern buildings should be equipped with such devices. However, at this point, it is worth mentioning the fact that technologies progress faster than buildings are constructed and improved. In other words, it is impossible to equip a building with all essential devices which employees or customers will need while being in this building. As a result, the maintenance of the building should also include forecasting of the further development of technologies, to respond fast to technological innovations introduced in the market. In this respect, the company needs to introduce technological innovations constantly in order to keep pace with competitors and to maintain normal rhythm of work. In addition, the introduction of innovations increases the effectiveness and productivity of work. In such a context, many companies stimulate the introduction of innovations. Therefore, the company needs to foresee the necessity to introduce innovations while constructing the building since it will be unable or at least it will be difficult to re-build the building to introduce important innovations.

Naturally, the building should be cleaned regularly. In this respect, it should be said that many companies tend to outsourcing cleaning services.  As a result, they can save costs on the personal cleaning the building as well as the company can save space within the building since it will not need cleaning facilities and personnel. At the same time, cleaning of the building is closely intertwined with health safety which has been already defined as one of the key performance indicators. In addition, the maintenance policy should include not only cleaning of the building but also janitorial, house and ground maintenance and landscaping. At this point, it is necessary to lay emphasis on the fact that the maintenance policy cannot be limited by the building solely, but all the facilities and infrastructure should be taken into consideration. To put it more precisely, the landscaping is essential element of the maintenance management because it is important to create a positive public image through the creation of an interesting landscape design. In fact, the landscaping maintenance implies that the landscape will inspire people attending the building. This refers not only to employees but also to customers. Due to the landscape, people should come prepared to something good or they should have positive emotions when they enter the building. In such a situation, a good landscape can make people expecting that they will get what they want when they enter the building. For instance, employees will expect easy and pleasant work, while customers will expect the achievement of their consumerist goals. In practice, the asset maintenance should include the cleaning of the nearby area, surrounding the building. It is important to keep the area clear and proper. Otherwise, people will get negative emotions when they see trash all around the building. In this regard, it is possible to recommend the cultivation of trees as well as grass. On the one hand, this will contribute to the improvement of the landscape from the aesthetical point of view, while, on the other hand, this will contribute to the improvement of the public image of the company since it will stress its environmental concerns. In such a way, the building will have a “green area”, where it is possible to plant a small garden or park. This area may be used as a recreation area that will help employees to relax after or during their work, while having a rest in the park.

As for house and grounds maintenance, it is important to constantly maintain the facilities in order to avoid the gradual destruction of the building and its infrastructure. What is meant here is the fact that the maintenance of house and grounds is essential because without any maintenance the building will start to ruin under the impact of external, natural factors, as well as internal factors, such as activity of humans, the use of parking, for instance, etc.

As a result, the destruction of building and grounds is practically inevitable since it is a natural process. In such a situation, the house and ground maintenance can prolong the existence of the building for many years and decades.

In addition, the efficient house and ground maintenance will postpone the capital repair of the building and its infrastructure. In such a way, the company will save costs on the repair of the building.

Furthermore, today, companies are extremely concerned with the introduction of energy efficient technologies which allow them saving costs on the use of energy. In this respect, the implementation of new technologies which minimize the consumption of energy within the building can be very useful to the company because they will ensure a considerable costs saving. In addition, the use of energy efficient equipment and technologies will stress environmental concerns of the company. In such a way, this will contribute not only to costs saving but also to the improvement of the public image of the company.

Finally, the company has to provide its customers with the large possibilities to perform business and social activities. For this purpose, the company needs conference facilities, which can be used for multiple purposes, such as business conferences or scientific conferences. In such a way, the company will be able to increase the number of its customers and offer a wide range of services to its customers. However, the maintenance of these facilities needs a particular attention from the part of managers because conference center and meeting rooms should be equipped with the most advanced equipment and telecommunication systems and, simultaneously, it should be protected from any external interference to ensure the security of customers.

Asset maintenance program

The asset maintenance program basically mirrors the asset maintenance policy of the company. At the same time, it should be said that the maintenance program includes precise strategies and approaches which can be applied in terms of the aforementioned asset maintenance policy. In this respect, the development of a plan of maintenance of the building is needed. In fact, the asset maintenance program should be grounded on the principle of the health safety and environmental concerns, which are crucial in the modern asset maintenance. What is meant here is the fact that it is necessary to focus on the prevention of any problems which may cause accidents, such as fire. Basically, the building is smoke-free that minimizes the risk of fire. Nevertheless, it is also important to take into consideration accidents which cannot be foreseen beforehand and prevented. This means that it is necessary to provide ways of evacuation in case of emergency. Naturally, this will need the development of the evacuation plan. However, the existence of the evacuation plan does not ensure that people will be evacuated safely. In order to meet this goal, it is necessary to place the plan on every floor and level to make sure that people can easily see and read it to get out of the building in case of emergency.

Furthermore, the asset maintenance program should include the plan of the maintenance of the building and its infrastructure. To put it more precisely, it is necessary to monitor regularly the facilities and, if necessary to repair them that will help to avoid serious problems and destruction of some elements of the building and infrastructure. In this respect, it is necessary to have a center where all the operation information about the current state of the building is gathered and processed. The operation center takes decisions concerning improvements or repair that is needed within and outside the building.

In addition, it is necessary to introduce innovations, which improve the maintenance of the building. For instance, the introduction of new, energy-efficient technology should be an essential part of the maintenance program and it may include the introduction of new electric equipment each five years. Within this period of time, new energy-efficient technologies can be implemented and, therefore, the change of the equipment and introduction of new one will increase the energy-efficiency of the entire building.

The maintenance programs should also include the security services. In fact, the building should be secured from the threat of violent attack, such as a terror attack or other offensive actions. At the same time, it should be safe in regard to the health of people which are within building because natural disasters or accidents can provoke fire, destructions and other problems which may threaten to the life of people. As a result, it is necessary to provide people with a possibility to call emergency services immediately and provide urgent help to people who suffered from injuries. The latter means that there should be basic medical equipment available at each floor. In addition, there should be a plan of evacuation.

Finally, it is necessary to maintain all the infrastructure and telecommunication systems and equipment. This will need the regular monitoring and the introduction of innovations to keep pace with technological progress. For instance, the development of telecommunications and IT constantly contributes to the introduction of new devices and technologies which improve telecommunication, mailing, and other essential services.

Health, safety and environmental concerns

At the same time, it is important to remember that the process of construction of the building and its maintenance should be socially responsible and take into consideration the environmental concerns of the modern society. What is meant here is the fact that the social responsibility of the company should include the health safety of employees working at the company as well as health safety of people living or working in the nearby area where the building is located. In such a way, the company contributes to the formation of a positive brand image because customers are confident of the fact that the company is concerned with their safety as well as with safety of employees working at the company.

In such a context, environmental concerns of the company are not less important. To put it more precisely, the modern society is very concerned with environmental problems. In such a situation, the company cannot use building materials which may be potentially dangerous to the environment or construct a building in the site where it can have a negative impact on the environment. If the company ignores these factors, it may face a problem of the opposition from the local population. In fact, people are likely to protect their environment and in some cases they can even undertake civil actions and protests against the company which constructs a building or develops its infrastructure destroying the natural environment. Basically, the management and facility maintenance of the modern company should be oriented on the environmentally friendly strategies and technologies the company uses in its functioning.

At this point, it is impossible to underestimate the significant of public protests in case of the ignorance of environmental interests of the local community. Such a policy of the company can undermine its public image, which, in its turn, will lead to the deterioration of the brand image and, thus, to the customers’ turnover, decrease of the number of loyal customers and the formation of a negative image of the company. Obviously, in the contemporary business environment such consequences of ineffective and irresponsible management can be disastrous to the company.

Health and safety are not less significant issues than environmental concerns. In actuality, it is important to ensure safety of people within the building as well as in the nearby territory. At the same time, the construction and maintenance of the building should be based on the principle of equality of all people and accessibility of the facilities to all people. The latter means that people with disabilities should be able to enter and move freely within the building facing no obstacles in their movement. Naturally, this will need the introduction of essential equipment which can help people with disabilities to move without assistance from the part of other people.

Maintenance cost analysis

The asset maintenance naturally implies the efficient use of costs, which needs the adequate cost analysis. In this respect, it is important to dwell upon major issues which are crucial for the cost analysis:

Funding:  All the budget and fund provision should be realistically and therefore this should be the life cycle cost analysis of each equipment/services.

Life Cycle Cost: The life cycle of the building and infrastructure should be clearly defined. The maintenance of the building and infrastructure should be based on the assessment the total cost in terms of Capital cost + Operations coast + Residual Value.

The capital cost: This includes initial cost of the equipment, land, building and design fee etc.

Operation cost: Energy Cost, levies, Maintenance cost etc, are covered under operation cost. Maintenance cost can be annual and intermittent maintenance cost or replacement or alteration costs.

At the same time, it is important to take into consideration live cost cycle, which defines the repair of the building and it, maintenance. Taking into consideration the fact that Al Wosail Tower, Doha is a modern building it is necessary to repair it annually, to maintain the building. Basically, the building can function for fifty years or even more, of it is repaired regularly and properly. Therefore, it is necessary to organize a capital repair every 7-10 years, which includes testing and examination of all systems, infrastructure, equipment and facilities of the building and their repair or reconstruction, if needed. The quality of works is crucial and it is important to involve companies that are renowned in the market and can repair the building efficiently, even if the cost of their work is high.

Outsourcing strategy

In order to increase the efficiency of the asset maintenance and to save costs it is possible to apply outsourcing strategies. In this respect, it is possible to focus on three directions, in which outsourcing can be applied: cleaning, security, and maintenance of IT and telecommunications systems. As a rule, companies outsource cleaning services, which provided by companies specialized on cleaning. In such a situation, the company will save costs since it will not need to employ the personnel for cleaning, while the quality of services will be high. The security is an extremely important issue and the security of the building and people should be guaranteed by professionals only. Finally, technological progress is fast and outsourcing of telecommunication and IT services is efficient because it allows introducing the newest technologies by IT and telecommunication companies.

The outsourcing strategy should be directed at the minimization of costs and maximization of the quality of the maintenance of the building. In addition to cleaning, security and IT services, it is possible to outsource the provision of health services to ensure the safety of the personnel and customers. This means that people working in the building should be safe at their workplace. There should be no risk of epidemic and contaminations within the building. For this purpose, it is possible to examine employees to prevent the access of workers who can provoke epidemics. In addition, it is important to monitor the state of the building. Hence, it is possible to outsource monitoring services to a construction company, which can assess objectively the quality of maintenance and define whether the repair is needed or not.


Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that Al Wosail Tower, Doha has a good position in the market of the state of Dubai and its further development and expansion in the local market may be very perspective, on the condition of the reliable and professional work of employees and stable supply of services of the highest quality to customers of the hotel. In fact, the quality of services is particularly important when the number of customers and competitors increases. The development of modern business heavily relies on an efficient maintenance management, which should focus on key performance indicators discussed above.

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