- August 21, 2012
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Free essays
I used to believe that the world functions in accordance with just principles, which make our life stable and routine, in a way. It seemed to me that we live in a properly-ordered world where relations between people are just and fair. However, gradually, my idealistic view on the world had started to change to a more realistic, pragmatic one. In this respect, the relationships between statesmen and citizens who elect them some times are extremely unjust and, what is more important for me, some statesmen neglect the responsibility they have in relation to people who have elected them, who have voted to them and who actually granted them with their power.
In this respect, I should say that my disenchantment with the relationship of some statesmen and people did not come to me in a day. In fact, it was a result of a serious of scandals related to the corruption in the government, involving officials, which occupied top positions in the executive, legislative and judicial power. These scandals provoked by the corruption of leading statesmen occur worldwide.
Occasionally, I can learn from media that a statesman occupying a high position in a government of some country has been accused of corruption, but what is particularly shocking for me is the fact that the corruption affects not only poor, under-developed countries, but also leading countries of the world, where democratic traditions are very strong.
The more I learned about the corruption of the statesmen taking top positions in the government the more unjust it seemed to me. Now, I think that the corruption is absolutely unacceptable for the modern society because it undermines basic principles of justice and democracy. It proves beyond a doubt that the corruption of statesmen at all levels is not just unjust but it is also a symbol of neglect of public interests from the part of the corrupted statesmen.
In fact, I believe that the corruption is unjust and it makes the relationships between the officials and ordinary people unjust too. In this respect, I should say that people are the main source of power and the government as well as all statesmen in any country is granted with power by people. Therefore, they should serve to people. This means that they should meet the actual needs and interests of those people who have elected them. It proves beyond a doubt that it would be just to serve to the community, if you are honored to be elected by the community to administer the life of the community, while, on the national scale, the responsibility increases dramatically because elected statesmen should protect interests of people who have elected them on the national scale and they cannot act irresponsibly.
In such a context, cases of corruption reveal the huge injustice that exists practically in all countries of the modern world. On the one hand, there are people, voters, who give their votes for candidates who are supposed to serve to the interests of the voters and who are supposed to improve the life of the community. On the other hand, there are people who are elected and get the official authority, but who misuse their power. To put it more precisely, they simply use their power to meet their own, personal interests and needs. The power, granted to them by people, is used by statesmen as a tool of personal enrichment. As they get the possibility to redistribute the national wealth they often slip to the corruption and the unequal redistribution of wealth. Obviously, such practices are absolutely unjust, because they destroy the balance within the society, because people who gave their votes for the corrupted statesmen made the latter representatives of their community, but the corrupted statesmen forgot the needs and interests of the community, neglected the interests of their voters and, instead, they focused entirely on the personal enrichment and lobbying interests of some large corporations which share their profits with them. In such a way, the entire political system turns out to be unjust because of the corruption since the votes of the electorate are used to get the power. However, the elected statesmen that get the power ignore the majority which has elected them. As a result, the majority is deceived and, instead of benefits from the effective administering of the community life, the majority receives the corrupted statesmen that do not care about the community at all.
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the corruption of statesmen at all level provokes the injustice in terms of the entire society, because people are expect to get loyal and devoted statesmen that can improve the life of the society, people grant them with the authority to represent their interests, as the matter of fact, they give them the power that belong entirely to people solely, but, instead, they receive the negligence of their interests and the work of statesmen oriented on their personal enrichment.