Essay on Intervention Plan

At the moment, I face a considerable problem with the development of an effective communication style because I often slip to interrupting people. Even though I have already undertaken efforts to overcome this drawback of mine, I still cannot fully cope with it. Nevertheless, the elimination of this weakness is essential for the improvement of my communication style. The improvement is possible on the condition of the elaboration and implementation of the effective intervention plan and the contract that will define my behaviour and stimulate me to develop positive models of behaviour. Eventually, I expect to obtain positive results and benefit from the intervention as I am going to gain positive effects on my regular behaviour.

Intervention plan

The first step is the clear definition of goals and expected outcomes of the intervention. The major goal I want to achieve is the improvement of my communication style through the elimination of interruptions of my interlocutors from my part. At the moment, the problem of interruptions still persists and I often fail to listen to my interlocutors. Instead, I interrupt them. Hence, my goal is to change my behaviour and to develop positive behavioural patterns that will improve my communication.

The second step is the choice of intervention methods. In this regard, I would focus on self-control and positive motivation. In fact, as the problem affects my communication style, I should focus on self-control to introduce changes in my behaviour to reach the set goals. At the moment, I suffer from the failure to stop interrupting my interlocutors but I believe self-control can help me to cope with this problems. In addition, if I have a positive motivation, for instance, if I grow aware of better career opportunities, if my intervention is successful, I will be able to change my behaviour for better.

The third step is the elaboration of positive behavioural patterns. In fact, positive behavioural patterns are very important for me and I should focus on the development and implementation of such positive behavioural patterns. In this regard, my self-control can help me to maintain and follow positive behavioural patterns. I can use other people’s behaviour patterns as the model to follow. For instance, I have a friend of mine, who is always very consistent in his conversations and he is a good listener. I believe his experience will be useful for me. In addition, I can focus on the study of different communication styles and techniques to learn the theoretical framework on the ground of which I can develop the behavioural pattern or model of communication that matches my personality the best.

The fourth step is the revision of the intervention plan and the introduction of changes if necessary. In the course of the implementation of the plan, I can naturally face some challenges and problems that will need the introduction of changes in the plan. For instance, some of my methods may not work properly or I can fail to implement successfully the target behavioural pattern. In such a situation, the revision of the plan is essential to make basic improvements that will help to overcome challenges and to complete the plan successfully until I reach my goals.

The fifth step is the retention of positive behavioural patterns. This step is very important because, if I develop positive behavioural patterns, I should retain them to improve my communication style in a long-run perspective. If I fail to retain positive behavioural patterns, I may fail to complete my plan successfully because, in the course of time, I can slip to my current communication style again and pitfalls of my communication will arise again.

The final step is the evaluation of the intervention plan and its overall effectiveness. The evaluation of the intervention plan is crucial because I have to understand the extent, to which my plan was successful. If the evaluation of the plan shows that my communication style has changed consistently and I fully reached the set goals, I can use this planning model to improve my communication style further. Moreover, I will be able to extrapolate this positive experience on other fields, where I have troubles. If my evaluation shows that my plan has failed, then I should develop a new plan to cope with my problem.

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