Essay on Working together

The aim of this work is to find out reflection activity of the group in the process of working together with others, what atmosphere should be placed, what kind of challenges can face each member of this group.

Work with others brings a formation of experience and skills, such as communicative, personal, cognitive, organizational, which definitely will be useful in future life and work. Working in group can create difficulties for some people. According to Engleberg & Wynn (1997), work on the project has to be organized by its stages and the group has to follow each one at the time, without going to next step before completing the first one.

In my personal experience working with others I have to notice that there are social loafing as often as the social striving. The most important goal here is to try to motivate each member of the group to put into project common efforts. They all have one subject to work on and one goal to achieve, so working together is in their own interest. Each one is free to choose their item in the common subject. After self working on different parts of the project, the group collects these parts and creates the final common product.

Being a group leader can be a tough task. The goal of this person is to organize the work of each member, to follow it up so they would achieve the assigned task. For making this right, he has to take into account each member’s wishes and abilities, so the work will be done productively. The tasks should be given though in equally assigned matter, so each member will contribute the same amount of efforts and time.

In conclusion, it is possible to state that working in a team can be hard. It requires the same amount of work from each group member. The quality of common work is a reflection to the product of this work.

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