Buy essay on Newscast on one of the (Los Angeles-area) television

4 May 2011, KNBC
The top stories are:
Dr. Bruce Hensel Honored,
Homeless and Foster Teens Get Prom Dresses for Free,
Hybrid Being Driven Out of Carpool Lane,
Gas Explosion Causes Outage in Mid-Wilshire.

It is important to watch not only the world news about politics, but also the local news that can describe the situation with education, health care and social issue locally.
I can say that I enjoy watching the news. Of course there are some kinds of news that I do not appreciate, but there are also those that I consider valuable for the society. The current news broadcast it was interesting to watch for me. I especially enjoy watching the local news broadcasts, because they show the problems and issues in particular region that disturbs essay
I think that the stories Dr. Bruce Hensel Honored and Homeless and Foster Teens Get Prom Dresses for Free were well done and they were of a particular interest to me, and the stories about Hybrid Being Driven Out of Carpool Lane and Gas Explosion Causes Outage in Mid-Wilshire were not so important to me. I enjoy when there is a lot of time devoted to the social issues, helping poor and sick people, and also homeless. I am sure that the more people hear and see about the possibilities to help, the more they will help and devote at least some minutes to those who are in need. Also, I see the importance of volunteering, and he demand for it. I think it would be better if there are more positive programs on TV, which show the success of people, improvements, innovations, etc.
I will probably add some stories to the news, describing the situation of the same issues in different countries in the world. I would have not included many negative news and also news about the individuals that have done something not considerable or not important. I presume that the modern television should show people the true news, more good news, because they are there, in the internet, in other countries, as the positive emotions are extremely important.
I also think that less should be told about the terrorism in other countries, about the problems in other countries and about international interventions. I think that each country should strive to solve its problems within the country, without inviting troops to solve political problems. It is essential to pay more attention to the quality of education and healthcare, because these are the issues with many problems, because the findings are cut, due to the interventions in other countries. I am convinced that the population of the country has to feel protected and the positive outcomes of the work of the government have to be shown on the television. I also think that there are many programs that should not be shown on TV, as the moral principles and other issues are touched.
I think that the life of the nation is reflected on the television. In my opinion people have to know more about national heroes, about noble deeds, about positive changes and improvements of the country. Also, it is important to show the technological and medical improvements in the spheres, which change people’s lives. All, in all, people themselves choose what to believe in, and what to watch on TV, which determines their lives.

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