Essay on The solar power mechanical bug

The solar power mechanical bug is very effective but its functioning depends on its access to the solar power and sun light. In this regard, it is important to conduct the experiment to find out in which conditions the bug can operate effectively and which factors affect the behavior of the bug and prevents the bug from effective functioning. In such a context, the research question arises concerning what conditions can be beneficial for the bug and what conditions prevent the bug from normal functioning. In such a way, the main point of the experiment is to find out how environmental conditions affect the performance of the bug.

Taking into consideration the fact that the bug is solar powered, it is possible to suggest the hypothesis that the solar powered bug will not work or its performance will be substantially limited, if it has no or limited access to the sunlight or if the weather conditions change the bug will be unable to perform its basic functions properly and, if the unfavorable conditions persist, the bug just turns off.

The experiment involves several operations to test the impact of the environmental conditions on the bug, including the limited exposure of the bug to the direct sunlight, shadowing of the bug and the full protection of the bug from the sunlight. The experiment involves the change of the environmental conditions and measuring their impact on the bug.

The voltage is measured under different environmental conditions to find out the difference in the performance of the bug. The bug was placed in the box with an open top so that a part of the box was exposed to the direct sun light. The bug was placed in the sun light for an hour and its capacity was measured with the help of the voltmeter. Then, the bug was moved to the shadowed part of the box for an hour and the voltage was measured again. Finally, the bug was placed in the closed box for an hour and its capacity was measured with the help of voltmeter.
Dependent variables used in the experiment are the access of the bug to the solar power under different environmental conditions, the position of the bug relatively to the sun light.
Independent variables are different environmental conditions, including the sunny weather, the cloudy weather and the total lack of the sun light; the capacity of the bug
Constants used in the experiment are the voltage measurements to test the change of the capacity of the bug with the help of voltmeter.

List of materials
The solar powered bug
A box with an opening top
Sample data table
Environmental conditions Capacity of the bug
The bug exposed to the direct sun light 100% performance
The bug placed in the shadowed part of the box 60% performance
The bug closed in the box 10% performance

Suggestions on how to modify the bug so that it will work under a specific environmental condition are the introduction of the battery, which could accumulate the solar power, as the bug is exposed to the sun light. When the bug is in a shadow or has no access to the sun light, the bug can use the power accumulated in the battery.
Works Cited
Fuchs, Hans U. The Dynamics of Heat. Springer, 1996.
Martin, Christopher L. & Goswami, D. Yogi. Solar Energy Pocket Reference. International Solar Energy Society, 2005
Mills, David. “Advances in solar thermal electricity technology”. Solar Energy, 76 (1-3), 2004, 19”“31.

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