Essay online: Youth Violence Prevention

This paper is meant to analyze the youth violence prevention and the strategies people may utilize to develop programs to prevent the violence amongst the youth. The paper will also have a marketing process to market the programs better.

Youth Violence Prevention Programs

Youth violence is a highest priority for practitioners, policymakers, scholars, and community members across the country. In spite of steady decreases in juvenile violent crime arrests in the country since 1994, lots of localities carry on to seek data, programs and strategies to better prevent and respond to the issue of youth violence. Lots of highly publicized programs provide practically no facts about the research foundations, and most suggest no confirmation of effectiveness in lessening the violence, in spite of claims in program aims (Wahler, Fetsch, & Silliman, 1997). In the recent survey of the programs, Wilson-Brewer et al. discovered fewer than half of the programs provided empirical proof of lessening violence (Wilson-Brewer, Cohen, O’Donnell & Goodman, 1991). Shortage of confirmation may stem from the restricted funding for estimation, failure to comprise estimation in a program implementation, failure to target the comparatively tiny groups of young humans who commit acts of terrible violence, and seriously faulty program patterns (Posner, 1994).

Of approximately 400 youth programs estimated, just 23 (6%) were discovered demonstrating the confirmation of program efficiency. To aid in establishing satisfactory programs by the target audience, sources have to be grouped as follows: 1) elementary; 2) adults and families; 3) junior/senior high; and 4) assisting professionals (Powell & Hawkins, 1996). The question then may come up: How many are effectual with harshly angry and extremely at-risk young people? In return, as program estimations comprised a cross-section of young people, even highly checked programs can be unsuccessful with severely angry and extremely at-risk youngsters. Obviously, sources are required to fund applied research investigations to decide which programs work in the most excellent way with high-risk groups.

Today, within the sphere of violence prevention, there are two wide stratagems. The initial one addresses a critical matter of violence at the interpersonal or personal level with the help of skill-training programs. Another one addresses the violence at the contextual or community level. Generally speaking, violence is a community and individual concern. Thus, some of the programs and sources united the two viewpoints and addressed violence at both levels. PeaceBuilders is an instance of an approach to the violence avoidance, which unites individual and community level (for instance, monitoring neighborhood mobilization) interventions. The program is excellent in the integration of special literature and in the strong dedication to empirical estimation.

As pressure increases for school, community and law enforcement organizations to “do something” to put down the danger of violence in the schools, the old advice, caveat emptor, is relevant (Garbarino, 1999). Based on this knowledge and experience, some tips are provided: admit that unsuccessful programs may do more damage than good; admit that the sphere of youth violence avoidance is analogous to that of domestic violence avoidance, where the wrong programming may augment potentially violent circumstances (Garbarino, 1999).

So, to market the programs better, it is necessary to plan and realize programs as follows:

  • Acknowledge the target audience. Curricular efficiency depends upon fit with the audience requirements. Conduct formal requirements appraisals to learn participant needs and degrees of anger and violence. It is crucial to talk with a sub-sample of participants beforehand. Look for their input to find out the violence-related troubles or capabilities before going further.
  • Utilize the data concerning the target audience to widen input for reply. It may be smart to comprise the school counselors, educators, therapists, and other people working with youth to obtain the viewpoint on the finest strategies or material for involvement.
  • When the community leaders have negotiated the target audience requirements, analyze the curricula once again to see if they have been checked with the target audience. If not, think about buying more effectual curricula.
  • Oppose the enticement to “do something,” with merely a good will intent to react. Realizing the unsuccessful programs may do more damage than good. Collaboration with other community associations far better equipped to cope with target audiences may benefit by focusing rather than copying efforts. Recommendations for the positive relations, counting problem solving, respectful communication, anger control, responding to stress, and conflict solution may be suggested as the general data instantly following a case of violence. Deeper resolutions, counting the therapeutic approaches to trauma and rage, community alteration, and widespread usage of positive communication takes the continued effort of an enthusiastic task power. Initiating a group promoting the long view is much more crucial than suggesting a “quick fix” temporarily.
  • Estimation has to be planned from the start, not as a postscript. Tracking program efficiency will give practical data for providers and populace and may contribute to the research base, which guides curriculum and program evolvement. In lots of programs it is crucial to use the services of a program evaluator (Powell & Hawkins, 1996).


This paper analyzed the youth violence prevention and the strategies people may use to evolve programs to stop the violence amongst the young people. The paper will also have a marketing process to market the programs better. Throughout the sphere of prevention and youth evolvement, there are today many programs, which may be utilized by schools and community organizations. Of 400 programs estimated, only 23 (6%) were demonstrating the confirmation of program effectiveness. It is possible to recognize components of the programs found to be effective for certain subgroups of kids. Also, whilst some programs may have been prived to be effective, they may not target a certain target group or risk conduct. It is important that program planners obtain and realize the data related to the applied and scientific appraisals of the program’s effectiveness. That is why further efforts at developing practical program estimation should be carried on.

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