Research paper on Advanced Web Design

Description of Activities Undertaken

The steps that have been taken in the project

The steps that have been taken in the project have contributed to the successful accomplishment of the project and each step has been extremely important. First, I have identified the goals of the project and elaborated the mission I have to meet in the course of the project. I have decided to create the web log on online marketing. After that I focused on finding the tools with the help of which I could create the web log. I found software, hosting provider, graphic and other essential tools to create the web log. The next step was finding materials to create the content of my blog. I cannot say that this step was the easiest one but, I did not have much trouble with it. I used my knowledge in the field of online marketing, information I learned during the course and other sources, including news media. As my web log was ready I launched it and linked it to social networks, including Twitter, FaceBook and LinkedIn. At the moment, I am planning to evaluate the functioning of web log and, if necessary, to introduce changes, if something goes wrong.

The decisions and choices that have been possibly a decision tree

I have several key choices and decisions to take. First, I had to choose the topic of the project. I considered several options and focused on the topic of my particular interest ”“ online marketing. Second, I had to choose the form. In fact, I considered the creation of the website, creating the account in a social network dedicated fully to my project but eventually I decided to create the web log because it meets my interests and goals of the project. Then I have to decide on the content of my website and tools to use to create my website but I did not have difficulties in this regard.

Actions taken around existing profiles and presence

As I started to work on my web log, the first action I undertook was to purchase the domain and hosting and to start using the software to create my web log. As the web log was ready, I wrote articles for the web log and provided information on the web log and myself. I also used social networks to share information on my web log as well as to obtain information that I could use in my web log. Also I conducted the analysis of mass media to learn more about the current development of online marketing.

Links and references to the activity undertaken

I created links to my Twitter, FaceBook and LinkedIn accounts to the activity undertaken. In such a way, I used social network to spread information on my web log.

Documentation developed to support the project ”“ this is the URL of my web log.

Sustainability of the project beyond its deadline

In fact, I believe my project will exist for a long run because, after the deadline, I still can use the web log to publish my new articles concerning online article. I also expect to receive feedback from users that will help to focus on issues that are interesting not only for me but also for users.

Mechanisms and tools employed to ensure the sustainability

The web log is sustainable by its nature since I can publish new articles over and over again and users interested in online marketing will read them. Online marketing is very prospective field that will provide the high level of interest to my web log.

The realism of the project and a final year Honours degree

In fact, the project can function in the real life. Moreover, I also believe the web log may have certain business value as it can be used for business purposes, such as selling some articles on online marketing, for instance.


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