Research paper on Temporality and Spatiality

  1. What is meant by the terms temporality and spatiality and how do they help us to explain the relationship between media and every day life?

“In broad sense, spatiality refers to constitutive relationship between societies and their spatial organization” (DasGupta 2006, p.110). In simple words the term refers to being bonded in space. Online dictionary give the following definition of the term temporality: “the condition of being bounded in time” (AskDefine). This term is often used as philosophical category when speaking about the way time is. The traditional understanding of temporality involved a linear procession of present, past and future moment. However, temporality has been interpreted in different ways. The categories of temporality and spirituality are usually considered together when talking about every day communication. Communication used to be seen as process which is possible in case of speakers being at the same time and space. However, the reality has changed and this categories are not linked together and do not require to be the same for the process of every day communication to take place. Modern media allows people to communicate being at different time and in different location. The boundaries of temporality and spatiality have shifted Media gives an opportunity to exchange information at any time and without depending on the location of the interlocutor. Media makes people independent from the categories of temporality and spatiality in their communication and every day life. It relates to various spheres of life and may be linked to any type of activity. Media makes every day life easier and improves it in many senses. In the age of media people have stopped being bonded in time and space in their every day interactions.

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