- October 2, 2012
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Term paper writing
In the contemporary business environment, Human Resource Management plays a very important role in the performance and development of organizations. At the same time, the role of HRM in small organizations is often underestimated since such organizations are viewed as insignificant from the point of view of the development of a complicated HRM structure and strategy. In other words, small organizations do not have a huge staff that needs the implementation of some sophisticated HRM methods and approaches to maximize performance of each employee. Instead, small organizations have a small personnel where each employee and manager know each other and managers are, as a rule, well informed about the potential, capabilities, knowledge and experience of each employee. However, in actuality, HRM in small organizations is not less significant than in large companies. At any rate, nowadays, many small organizations, like my organization, face the problem of the effective HRM since often they cannot fully use the potential of employees and, what is more important, they have difficulties with the progress of employees and growth of their professional level. In this regard, it is necessary to develop effective strategies and policies to improve the quality of HRM, which is particularly important in the contemporary business environment when human resources constitute the major value of small organizations as well as large companies. In such a situation, the role of recruitment can hardly be underestimated because it lays the foundation to the organizational culture developed on the ground of human resources employed. In this respect, the proper, effective organization of recruitment is of the utmost importance since it contributes to the positive organizational performance and organizational culture. Otherwise, a poor organization of the recruitment process can lead to the situation as is the case of Carl, who apparently failed to manage the process of recruitment properly and faces a risk of the total failure in his efforts to employ new professionals by July.
Basically, the development of modern organizations is based on the effective use of human resources, which nowadays may be viewed as the major asset of small organization. It proves beyond a doubt that they can hardly compete with large companies, especially multinational corporations, because their material, technological and financial resources are consistently higher compared to small organizations. As a result, small organizations are simply forced to focus on the development of some new products or services which larger companies do not offer to customers. In other words, small organizations are, as a rule, oriented on the innovations and the development and introduction of innovations may be one of the major challenges for human resources of small organizations. At the same time, the effective HRM in small organizations has to stimulate the development of innovations by the personnel of these organizations that raise the problem of the professional development, training and education of the personnel.
On the other hand, there was even more serious problem that is actually the primary problem small organizations face. This is the problem of recruiting of well-qualified and perspective personnel. In fact, small companies do not always can afford the employment of experienced and well qualified employees who traditionally need high salaries small organizations cannot pay. In such a situation, there appears a gap between small companies needs to employ qualified and preferably experienced personnel and the unwillingness of experienced highly qualified specialists to get employed in small companies where their career opportunities are lower compared to larger companies as well as the level of salaries is lower too.
However, the conditions of work should be used as a motivating factor to attract a larger number of applicants, while Carl’s main goal was to create a clear action plan aiming at the recruitment of employees by July. In this respect, it should be said that he made several errors, which led to his failure to accomplish his plan. It is obvious that, at the moment, he does not really have a sufficient amount of applicant, nor does he have facilities to conduct interview of the applicants and start working with new employees. The major problem is the lack of the plan. In fact, Carl acts rather spontaneously than according to the plan. What he has is a general vision and goals he wants to achieve, i.e. to recruit new employees and accomplish the recruitment in July. However, this is not a plan which can bring positive results.
In order to succeed in the recruitment of new employees, Carl needs to develop a detailed plan, where he defines, step by step, all the stages of the recruitment. First of all, he should identify the criteria applicants should meet. He should list all of these criteria and inform applicants about them in order to avoid wasting time on communication with applicants who do not meet the company’s requirements.
Secondly, he should locate the facility where he can interview applicants. This is very important because it is essential for the recruitment and it contributes to the formation of a positive image of the company by applicants. If the recruitment is well-organized, applicants would readily join the organization since they will be convinced in its reliability and respectability. In this regard, Carl proved to be unable to find facilities because of the poor communications skills and managerial skills. He had to find out beforehand, whether the training room for the orientation is free or not.
On defining, the facility, Carl should start searching for applicants. This means that he should advertise positions which the company wanted to fill and clearly define the criteria which applicants should meet along with the list of papers they should provide to Carl to get the application. In such a way, Carl would solve the problem with the lack of certain data and papers of applicants, which actually make the process of recruitment practically impossible because the manager does not have all the information needed about an applicant. To meet this goal and to convey the detailed information to potential applicants, Carl could let potential applicants contact him and get all the information concerning applications and requirement of the organization.
After that he should schedule interviews and orientation of applicants. At this stage, it is important to use the time efficiently. This means that the work of the manager with applicants should be scheduled in slightest details and Carl should clearly understand what the orientation will consist of and how the entire process of orientation will be organized. On the basis of interviews and orientation, it will be possible to clearly identify applicants who meet the requirements of the organization the best. In this respect, Carl needs to elaborate a system of evaluation, with the help of which it is possible to assess each applicant and identify whether he or she meets the requirements or not. At this point, it should be said that the evaluation should be objective and bias-free. In fact, it is possible to implement both quantitative and qualitative analysis in order to obtain objective results on each applicant. For instance, it is possible to conduct a series of psychological tests in order to reveal basic personal traits of applicants, analyze their professional skills and past experience, etc. As a result, it will be possible to make objective conclusions concerning each applicant.
Finally, the process of orientation and recruitment should not be a one-sided process. What is meant here is the fact that Carl should not only select applicants, but also inform them about the organizational culture, basic principles and norms according to which the organization functions. This will help to find out whether applicants are ready and able to work in the specific organizational culture. The latter is very important, especially if the organization operates in a multicultural environment.
Thus, taking into account all above mentioned, it is possible to conclude that the process of recruitment is very complicated and it plays crucial role in the contemporary business environment. At the same time, the recruitment should occur in accordance to a detailed plan which minimizes the risk of errors from the part of the manager. Finally, it is necessary to clearly define criteria applicants should meet.