College Life vs University Life

What doest it mean to be a university student? Does it signify to begin a new stage of life or is it just a necessity dictated by modern lifestyle? Nowadays education is an essential condition for a person who wants to be successful in life. Higher education plays a very important life in the building of our career and gives a lot of opportunities to succeed. In other words, it is the basis of our life because without higher education no one can think of a good and promising career. Today’s world conditions the necessity to learn through all our life. Onrush of technology makes us broaden our outlook all the time and in order to be abreast with the times and to withstand the competition at the labor-market, it is necessary to provide a good start for the career and to be ready for life log learning.

Why is university education and not college one considered a basis for our future? Because in university we get professional knowledge and acquire skills necessary for our future job. The task of university education is very significant and voluminous; therefore, the lifestyle in university differs much from a college one. A college student is a teenager, whose views are being formed and who is only preparing to step in new life. College education is perceived as something inevitable and obligatory and thus, college students do not feel the responsibility for their education and further results. Choosing the university for future studies a person makes a very important decision and bears the responsibility for it. Therefore, the attitude towards university education cannot be the same as towards college education, because it was a conscious and thoroughly considered step.

Certainly, entering a university a person should clearly realize what expects him or her there. Taking into account the seriousness of educational approach, the lifestyle is absolutely different there. In contrast to college at university, students are thought to be independent and conscious. Having come to university, they made the decision themselves and nobody will make them study. If they came there, they want to study. Entering a university, it is necessary to be ready for the dramatic increase of workload. At university, the amount of information, needed to be learnt, extremely grows as during four or five years you should study an absolutely new for you professional sphere. You should not only the history of its development but as it was already mentioned all the modern innovations, which appear every day. Therefore, professors are not able to give all this information at class hours and a great part of learning is independent learning. A university professor is aimed at sharing his experience with students and at giving them the most necessary information for their profession. A great part of the theoretical basis of the subjects should be learnt by students themselves after reading of books in libraries, surfing the Internet. A professor guides the educational process but he is not a supervisor and he does not consider his aim to make students learn. In his/her turn, he expects his students to be active and to aspire to knowledge. It is always extremely significant for an instructor to see that his subject is important for students and they are sincerely interested in it. Such attitude towards learning is always noticed and encouraged by instructors. Consequently, if expectations of professors are very high, the level of work and efforts of students should also be very high. In order to be noticed they have to withstand competition and this also prepares them to a modern way of life. They learn to compete and to aspire to be the best. Scrupulous students usually graduate form universities with clear awareness of their aims and of ways of their achieving.

Moreover, university is a perfect place to establish friendly relations with professors, in other words with people who have already succeeded in the professional sphere and give a piece of useful advice and suggest a right decision. There are people who can be examples for students in the future career, perhaps in their scientific work. In other words, university is a place where one can meet very interesting and successful people, which contributes to the educational process.

However, speaking about university life, we should not forget that a university is not only an educational institution but a place when young people can develop a lot of their capabilities and show themselves in different spheres of life. University campus is a small town where students can find anything they interested in. These might be different clubs, sports centers, literary or theatrical societies. University life gives student a chance to see what they are good at and develop their talent. At university, people might realize that they like organizing people or holidays, that they are good at sports or are interested in literature. Certainly, college life is also diverse and challenging, however, what makes university life more eventful is less time and more opportunities. Besides, living in a campus, students feel that they belong to a certain community. This unites them and makes them closer. Taking into account that university gathers people of different nationalities, campus life makes people more tolerant. Learning to live together, accepting different characters and ways of life, people become more patient. Many of them rise above prejudice and do not allow stereotypes to ruin their relations with other people.

To make a conclusion, university life prepares students to their adult life and this is its main difference form college life. It is the springboard for future professionals who are eager to achieve their aims and to make a career. University gives young people awareness of their forces and their perspectives. Students of universities realize that after graduation they will face all the difficulties of independent life where life itself will put marks and the responsibility for made decision will be on them only. At university, students experience more stress as they have to learn a great amount of information within very short periods of time. They are expected to study twice harder than in college because the level of education requires such work load. Besides, it is important to live up to professors’ expectations if one wants to be a good student while these expectations are very high. Certainly, university life comprises not only studies but also active social life.

Living on campus students learn to live in a community, they get acquainted with other cultures and getting to know other people, they know themselves better.

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