Cover Letter

Dear Mr./Mss

I am writing to you since I am interested in the position of flute and piccolo player in your orchestra. In fact, I am very interested in this position and I believe I will be able to achieve a tremendous success working in your orchestra of which I have heard a lot from my colleagues as well as musical critics. I should admit that the work in your orchestra will be hard, but I am ready to work hard not only because of my professional ambitions and career prospect, but also because I do adore music.

In fact, music has always been my passion since my early childhood when I had just started learning my first lessons. At first, music was a kind of magic for me since it evoked very strong emotions and feelings. Thus, I could not remain indifferent to music. Therefore, my professional education was entirely focused on music and now I am a professional flute and piccolo player. Frankly speaking, I do not think that I have achieved a great success in my life, but my efforts always helped me to play better over and over again. At the same time, I believe that in your orchestra I will be able to improve my professional skills consistently because of the reputation and professionalism of your orchestra. In addition, it is very important for me to work with creative people which I can get acquainted with in your orchestra. On the other hand, I will do my best to meet the high standards established in your orchestra.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Sincerely yours, ”¦ (name)

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