Creative Candles Ethical Organization Profile

Ethics plays an extremely important role in the contemporary business environment. At the same time, in spite of the consistent progress of business ethics, unethical behavior still occurs in the contemporary business environment. In such a context, the development of ethical norms and standards of behavior becomes one of the major responsibilities of managers, who should not only observe the basic ethical norms and rules, but also promote ethical models of behavior leading their subordinates toward ethical behavior. In such a way, managers should enforce ethics in their organizations and encourage their subordinates to respect ethical norms and standards.

In this respect, it is important to lay emphasis on the fact that managers can enforce ethics in different ways. First of all, it is necessary to take into consideration that managers serve as models of behavior for their subordinates. Therefore, managers should follow basic ethical norms and standards to encourage their subordinates to follow their lead and behave ethically too. In such a way, employees learn positive, ethical models of behavior from their managers. Secondly, managers can develop the Code of ethics within their organization to define clearly fundamental ethical norms and principles. The Code of ethics serves as the fundamental document that defines ethical principles within the organization and all professionals should obey to these principles. Otherwise, they should be excluded from the organization, because the violation of norms of the Code of ethics challenges the organizational culture and, therefore, puts under a threat the overall success of the organizational performance. Thirdly, managers should train employees and introduce ethical norms and rules in their work.

To put it more precisely, managers should make ethics an essential part of the workplace environment. They should communicate with employees and promote the idea of ethically correct behavior. On the other hand, they can motivate employees to behave ethically correct through various motivators, including not only financial bonuses, but also non-material rewards and stimuli.

At the same time, managers alone cannot promote business ethics within the organization. In this respect, the entire organization should work on the development of ethical norms and standards and their effective implementation in the contemporary business environment.

What is meant here is the fact that the development of the Code of ethics is impossible when it is imposed by managers on their subordinates. Instead, the Code of ethics should be based on the cooperation between all professionals working within the organization to the extent that the close interaction of employees and managers is essential to develop the Code of ethics which meet needs and wants of both managers and employees. In addition, the organization should clearly state and define its ethical norms and standards which cannot be violated by employees.

In such a situation, professionals working within the organization should be aware of the threat of the punishment in case of the violation of ethical norms and standards. In this respect, it is extremely important to treat all professionals equally and punish those who violate ethical norms and principles equally. This means that professionals should be aware of the risk of losing their job, regardless of their position in the organization.

Thus, it is obvious that the enforcement of ethics in the organization heavily relies on managers and organizational ethical norms and principles.

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