Еssay on Social Stratification and Inequality

The contemporary world economy tends to globalization that makes core, semi-periphery and periphery nations closely intertwined with each other. At the same time, core nations keep exploiting semi-periphery and periphery nations in their interests. In this regard, the process of globalization makes the exploitation of semi-periphery and periphery nations by core nations more and more significant, as Marx’s theories imply because such exploitation is the result of the accumulation of capital in core nation and its expansion worldwide that leads to the growing exploitation of less developed nations by more developed ones.

In fact, the process of globalization is the manifestation of the development of the world economy predicted by Marx, when less developed nations follow the lead of more developed, core nations. In such a situation, core nations accumulate capital and resources for the international market expansion. Political and economic elite of core nations attempts to establish control over the global economy using semi-periphery and periphery nations as target markets.

Core nations exploit natural and human resources of semi-periphery and periphery nations to manufacture technologically advanced products and services, which they sell to periphery and semi-periphery nations again but at higher price than raw materials imported from these nations. As a result, the wealth is accumulated in core nations, whereas semi-periphery and periphery nations have nothing but their natural resources to offer in the global market, but these resources are essential for core nations because the consumption grows constantly.

Thus, the modern world gets closely integrated but such integration is unfair and leads to the growing disparity between core nations, which get richer, and semi-periphery and periphery nations, which get poorer.

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