Effects of Unhealthy Food on Students at Indiana University

Food influences substantially the health of an individual. However, the consumption of unhealthy food exposes people not only to the risk of development of some diseases but it also influences their socialization and lifestyle at large and students at Indiana University are also vulnerable to such negative effects of unhealthy food.

First of all, unhealthy food influences the health of students and contributes to the growth of weight consistently. In fact, unhealthy food is traditionally rich in fat and carbohydrates which contribute to fattening of human body. In addition, unhealthy food provokes a stronger appetite that also leads to fattening.

Another problem is the effects of unhealthy food on vitally important systems of human body, such as cardio-vascular system. Unhealthy food may contain elements which narrow blood vessels and deteriorate blood circulation that leads to the development of cardio-vascular diseases. In this respect, it is worth mentioning the fact that cardio-vascular diseases are very dangerous, but they are quite difficult to diagnose at the early stage of their development.

Furthermore, unhealthy food consumption is traditionally a characteristic of certain social groups, while today, the cult of healthy body pushes people consuming unhealthy food beyond the margins. As a result, the consumption of unhealthy food can provoke marginalization of students. However, marginalization can occur only on the condition that unhealthy food consumption will be exceptional rather than common.

Finally, unhealthy food influences the lifestyle of an individual. Due to the abundance of ingredients which stimulate fattening and preserve the sense of hunger, unhealthy food leads to overeating and development of a sedative lifestyle associated with overeating.

Thus, it is obvious that unhealthy food can have a lot of negative effects on students at Indiana University.

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