Frankenstein by Marry Shelly

Marry Shelly’s  Frankenstein   is  a perfect example of Gothic literature which  not only has interesting plot and subject, but also explores sophisticated psychological phenomena. Internal conflict of the protagonist presents the main conflict of the work. This conflict is also reflected in external conflict between Victor and a monster he creates.

Victor Frankenstein seeks for a secret of life and all in all obtains dangerous knowledge about it. Possessing such knowledge presumes great danger and responsibility and soon we see that Victor is not able to be responsible for his actions. In the beginning, we see that Victor’s interest in science and his desire to oppose himself to the society becomes the main driving forces of Victor’s behavior. This internal conflict is soon realized as an external one.  The protagonist is  afraid by his own creation. He does not know how to deal with the results of his bold experiment.  The author depicts Victor as self-centered person who is ready to sacrifice the safety of other people to his ambitions.

Terrible accidents which happen in the town terrify Victor but he is too proud to ask for help. He is not able to resolve the problem because he cannot control the monster he had created. The conflict between Victor and his creation becomes the main conflict of the story. Victor cannot take control over the creature he has created and consequences of his actions become fatal. The whole novel becomes an illustration of conflict between science and nature. This conflict affects all people and the protagonist of the novel becomes trapped by his own ambitions which result in great tragedy.

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