Getting Black America back to baseball

The first baseball game between two teams of blacks was on September 28, 1860 at the Elysian Fields in Hoboken, New Jersey. The Weeksville of New York won for the Colored Union Club 11-0. In 1862, a reporter who wanted to see a game between two teams of whites ended up watching a game between two teams of blacks and passed it to paper. Immediately after the end of the Civil War of 1865 and during the reconstruction period that followed, there were formed black baseball teams in the East and the Mid-Atlantic states. Including mainly ex-soldiers and some famous black officers are examples of these teams are the Jamaica Monitor Club, Albany Bachelors, Philadelphia and Chicago Uniques Excelsiors. As a fact, Black America has to get back to baseball, because this sport has many amateurs and admirers, and the more distributed it will be, the more popularity it will have in society.
For example, in the late 1860s, black was the best team in Philadelphia. Two cricketers, James H. Francis and Francis Wood, had formed the Pythians field in Camden, New Jersey, the Federal Street Ferry, because it was difficult to get permits for black baseball games in town.
The Negro Leagues. There were various American professional baseball leagues, whose teams exclusively of black people, mostly African-American players were, and are not part of the Major Leagues were found their own leagues was the timetable set out in the United States apartheid (racial segregation) necessary to codifying the separation of blacks and blacks in public places.
The first of only existing African American team that was professionally active, and it was established in 1885 in Babylon in the State of New York under the name of Cuban Giant. The first Negro League history, the National Colored Base Ball League, was formed in 1887 formed. It included eight teams, but was disbanded after only two weeks, as no spectator interest was.
From 1920, there were established seven more or less successful and long-lived leagues, the term refers to the Negro Leagues in the strict sense. In a broader sense they define themselves as a Negro Leagues all professional competitions, whether in an organized league or independent teams played in various lots.
The longest-lived franchise in the Negro Leagues were the Kansas City Monarchs, who contested from 1920 to 1965 a total of 45 seasons, eleven years in the Negro National League, 34 in the Negro American League and nine years as an independent league team.
The last of the Negro Leagues was disbanded around 1960 after the player Jackie Robinson, the so-called “Color Line” broke through by being taken through a contract with the Brooklyn Dodgers as the first black player from a MLB team under contract. Supporting figure of this historical moment was the sports official Branch Rickey, who was in the wake of his commitment to the peaceful integration of the nickname of The Mahatma.
The end of the Negro Leagues. In the course of integration, there were suggestions to integrate the Negro Leagues to the Major League system. However, this was in the eyes of many in stark contrast to the goal of reunification of all population groups. As a result, there was signed a number of Negro League players contracts with clubs in the MLB. These were mostly minor league contract that guaranteed despite the participation in professional baseball.
The end of the Negro National League began when the Grays withdrew to the 1949 season and the league disbanded, and this aroused the many other teams. Thus, a short time later broke the New York Black Yankees, and the Eagles moved the franchise to Houston. There was thus left only the Negro American League as a professional organization. In the period from 1949 to 1951, the league dropped for lack of quality and audience interest back to minor league level and acted in this state until the year 1958. The last real Negro League team, the Indianapolis Clowns, denied their last game in 1966. Until the year 1988, the clowns were still as a show team, much like the Harlem Globetrotters in basketball, in various games.
Women in the Negro Leagues. In contrast to the Major Leagues were in the Negro Leagues, there were three women active as players. All three were first taken from the Indianapolis Clowns under contract. The first was Toni Stone, who was born in 1953 to the clowns. After a year later transferred to the Kansas City Monarchs, was received Connie Morgan and Mamie “Peanut” Johnson contracts in Indianapolis. To this day, there was no woman who was active in the MLB, even though it brought a handful of missions in the Minor Leagues.

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