- August 21, 2012
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Free essays
What is good and what is bad- on this question mankind is looking for an answer for many thousand years. The problem is in relativity of these notions. The understanding of good or bad depends on our moral.
Have you ever seen a man who had reached the condition of the firm happiness? Whose life was developing with constant pleasure, unchangeable success and ethical growing? If you had not, how we can confirm that know good and bad? Maybe we know it, but we can not use it in practice. Consequently appears a question: for what do we need this knowledge? The knowledge brings the result. It is something that forms the part of the skill. Can you solve all your problems and be happy? If you can not, do not think that you understand what good and bad is. Everyone understands this how he can and on this depends his success, happiness and firm in life. So why we are trying to find what moral is?
Because we want to live. Because we are scarred and frightened. Because we want to believe and hope. We want to fight less in life. But the main reason is that we want to be right always and everywhere. The thought that I am right and somebody else is not is one of the bases of our subconscious. Try to acknowledge once that you are wrong. It is hard even for a strong person. The wicker one will just brake. And how often in works of literature heroes, who were publicly exposed in error, were shooting or fighting?
Here is, basically, our moral and understanding of good and bad.
Good are things that we like, bad- what we do not like.
A lot of psychologists and philosophers select in the development of the moral self- cognition three main stages:
a stage before moral when child lives following its selfish considerations; a stage when a man orientates on external norms of behavior; and a stage when moral bases on mans own system of views and his own opinion.
However, transition from one stage to another is hard enough. The power of moral consciousness is in its versatility. To have the bases of morality a child should think alternatively and without compromises: there are good and bad things, kindness and evil and there is anything else.
The child, who did not adopt elementary bases of morality like an unchallengeable thing, will hardly become a man with high moral. But understanding of good and bad is not just a rule where is said what is bad or what is not.
The sources of moral knowledge could be very different but moral decisions and connected with it responsibility and risk are always individual. That is why old man could not answer on child’s question what is bad or good, because it depends on situation and context of the question, consequences and motives of the action. If a man is just weak his system of principles will become a simple moralizing, talking lectures to other people but not in hard system which he will follow in his life.
Really moral man is demanding to himself and pertains to other people with tolerance. When he values actions of a man he does not carry their features on the man who acts. This person tries to understand somebody, to come into his position.
The shaping of the moral person, forming of some moral principles and corresponding style of moral behavior lean on base in the consciousness.
The forming of the person bases on determined level knowledge, ability to perceive, use and value some norms and actions. Of course very important is the emotional development of a man and his ability to sympathize other people. Another factor is an accumulation of your own experience in some moral actions and valuing them on your own. And one of the most important factors is an influence of the ambient, which shows some concrete examples of moral behavior and actions. But the biggest problem is to find the relationship between all these factors.
However, connection between moral consciousness of the person and its real behavior is ambiguous. The knowledge of the moral norms and rules makes it easier for man to solve problems or take decisions. The good example are lectures in the schools and debates between pupils in their senior years. On the other hand, hypothetical or taken from books problems are absolutely different from the real life situations because in our life we have consequences from the actions.
The practical decision of any problem is always connected with some real life situation. The man can solve the same problem in different ways, because it depends on how much it worries him. The moral motivation is layered. The feeling of debt to the society does not remove some special duty to close for you people. And in the same time the orientation on the public opinion does not exclude sensitivity to concrete people.
The forming of moral consciousness, understanding good and bad must not be separated from the society or relatives.