Home schooling essay

Home schooling essay

If you seriously think of teaching your child at home, it is recommended to consider all pros and cons of home schooling before finally deciding whether your child needs such education or not. You should think about the impact of home schooling on your child. Today, more and more parents make a decision in favor of home schooling, and this type of education is becoming more and more widely spread across the country and throughout the world. It is claimed that home-educated children tend to pass the standardized tests more successfully. Furthermore, owing home schooling, children can be taught various subjects starting from an early age. There are also other arguments in favor and against home schooling that will be thoroughly investigated further.

Speaking in favor of home schooling, it needs to be noted that such education is claimed to make children more resourceful and witty in future. As for other benefits of home schooling, it should be mentioned that most homeschooled children have an opportunity to choose the subject they want to learn and place where they want the educational process to take place. Parents are able to use different educational methods in order to teach their children different subjects focusing on the fields of study that are interesting to their kids. Furthermore, parents have a chance to organize lessons according to the abilities, age and preferences of their child. Moreover, home schooling gives religious freedom. It is evident that home schooling gives parents an opportunity to implement their own values and beliefs into the educational process of their child. This can be carried out on a daily basis, so that parents have all chances to instill the best of their beliefs in their children.

Furthermore, home schooling makes the family ties stronger. It is evident that in most cases home schooling plays a fundamental role in instilling family values in children and making the family members closer to each other. In the course of educational process, parents spend much time with their children, and this improves the relationships within the family. One more advantage of home schooling is emotional stability. In fact, owing home schooling children may not worry about being bullied or pressed by other children, so that they do not suffer from lack of self esteem. Home schooling can prevent the destructive consequences of harassment at school. Finally, home schooling helps students to choose at what time they want to study. A flexible schedule of learning is one of the benefits of home schooling, so that children have enough free time to visit parks, zoos and museums as a valuable part of their educational experience.

On the other hand, there are some negative sides of home schooling as well. First, parents have to spend much time organizing and planning the educational process and various related activities for their children. In a nuclear family, one of the parents is usually engaged in home schooling, but it is much harder to organize the educational process in a single-parent family as a single parent has to find some time for educating their children apart from going to work. Furthermore, home schooling is associated with financial restrictions. In fact, home schooling is claimed to negatively affect the family budget. Most families consider that such a sacrifice is justified when it comes to the quality of education received by their children. However, this statement can be argued about. One more disadvantage of home schooling is the fact that children do not have an opportunity to go in for sports with other children. It can be explained by the fact that most sports activities for children require them to be enrolled in school. What is more, home-educated children often lack friends with whom they could go in for sports and get engaged in other activities. All this makes home schooling a highly controversial issue.

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