Human resource management

I would like to consider the drawbacks of work-life balance for the organization and for the employee. The topic of work-life balance for the individual depends on age and life situation or other priorities, also depends on the individual answer to the meaning of life and their own conception of happiness. As a fact, a large share of people wants to spend time with their children, or has made the task to care for dependents. For others, the compensation for work is leisure and sport to the fore, the use of social, cultural or political area or the possibility to have a long vocation, which guarantees the phases of recovery, a working time reduction to the end of their careers or time for the maintenance of health. Some people think in terms of greater freedom for social time and personal commitment to their time commitment to paid work deliberately limited. It can be said that between the baby boom generation, generation X and generation Y there were observed significant differences in attitudes towards work-life balance. In terms of simplicity, for the baby boomers the most important was a balancing act between work and family, for the generation X – it was alternative periods of activity and stages of child rearing or non-vocational activities. For the members of generation Y – put less emphasis on a strict separation between work and private life and primarily targeted on their own time meaningful and essential to use.
Recently, the popularity of “yuppies” ”“ workaholics, who work 26 hours a day, has declined over the past year and a half. People began to earn more, and they, naturally, have the desire to spend money, but it also takes time. Therefore, the demand for flexible work schedule is constantly growing. However, organizing such working conditions for employees is extremely difficult. Many workers would like to have a flexible work schedule, but employers are going to make it available extremely rarely. Usually concessions are made to managers. However, such step guidance is the exception to the general rule. Other things being equal, the employer always chooses the employee, who will work full time and do not insist on a flexible schedule. Such privileges as flexible schedule, awarded extreme in the ladder: either the higher ranks of the organization, but they often are in severe depending on the circumstances or, conversely, the junior staff. For example, a courier at once can get a part-time employment, for example, on even days.
It is curious management response to the attempts of subordinates to arrange a flexible schedule of work. Company, where this feature is the rank of corporate policy, it can be counted on the fingers. Most often it is solved within the departments at the individual level when dealing with the immediate supervisor. But more and more companies, by contrast, acquire the system of time tracking, tracking the movements of employees. Fines and other penalties for delays are common nowadays. Often, because of this there are conflicts and corporate layoffs. As a result, problems arise when the internal rate of employee are against the corporate. Consequently, people often leave the organization in which, they argue, there are inhuman working conditions. However, the work-life balance in the particular company depends on the manager individually. The positive feature of current labor market situation lies in the fact that chronic workaholics, who sit at work till late night is rarely considered as a common corporate identity. Most often, this practice applies to individual units. In such departments overtime is rarely seen as a manifestation of loyalty to the leadership and the company as a whole. As a rule, employee that shows that he is ready to do something at work even at the expense of privacy is considered as a person, who simply can not cope with his responsibilities during the official work time, according to Kamal Kant (2011).
It is essential to note that even people, who are not employed, consider the issue of work ”“life balance as extremely important, especially since the work determined to a large extent, the participation in society. It turns up for young people, the requirement of entering the workforce or taking up training or studying, for other unemployed persons was raised, for example, or after a break for the family or because of personal circumstances, the requirement of returning to work. Also in this context, the increasing unemployment in many Western industrial nations, in particular among youth, significantly increased insecurity and other social problems. This issue is also sufficient for pensioners, whose pension without additional income can not secure their livelihood. A large proportion of pensioners involved in volunteer work or in the care and upbringing of their grandchildren. Conversely, it may be true that employees need time for the education of grandchildren, if one of their children very early became mother or father, as stated in Work-life balance (Anon. 2010).

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