Human Rights in Mexico

According to the historical data, human rights in Mexico have always been abused by the government. The indigenous people suffer most of all. The government of Mexico does not care of their education, medical care and employment. The violation of human rights in Mexico includes tortures, repressions, sexual murders and journalists’ murders. (Kirkwood, 2000, p.26)
Political situation in the country has always been a strained one. It is clear that most of the present day problems concerning human rights violation are connected with certain historical facts. Numerous wars and revolutions in Mexico led to the fact that Mexican people are intimidated by the government. For example, Tlatelolco massacre which took place in 1968. The government killed hundreds of students who organized a meeting in the Plaza de las Tres Cultures. The young people wanted the government of Mexico to change its decision concerning the Olympic Games which should be held in Mexico. It was known that the government invested more than $150 million in preparation of the Olympic Games while most people in the country lived in poverty. Gustavo Diaz Ordaz, the president of Mexico did not want to listen to the students requirements. He killed about 300 students and several hundreds were wounded during the meeting. The total number of students who took part in this meeting was about 10,000 persons. (Olson, 2006, para.25)

Nowadays, Mexico’s National Human Rights Commission, a special institution which was accredited by the United Nations, tries to do everything possible to protect human rights of the Mexicans. The Commission is a public institution which is autonomous from the federal government. It is involved in the investigation of different human right cases including killings of women, strikers and abuses by soldiers. The Commission also pay attention to the issues concerning education in the country protecting human rights of indigenous people in Mexico.
Kirkwood, B. (2000) The History of Mexico. Westport: Greenwood Press.
Olson, E.(2006) Divided States of the America: Human Rights and Democracy in Latin America: A Progress Report. Sojournes Magazine. March, 2006.

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