Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo essay

Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are two outstanding and remarkable artists of the Renaissance era. They have had a considerable impact on their contemporaries because their art was really innovative and different from conventional art of that time. At the same time, they had had a considerable impact on the further development of art in Italy and Europe because they had a number of followers as well as rivals, who wanted to challenge their position as the greatest artist of the Renaissance period. In such a sitauton, the contribution of Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo in the development of European art can hardly be underestimated.

On the other hand, Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are quite different in their artistic views as well as forms. They generated new ideas and created new forms, which became extremely popular in their time and had a considerable impact on other artists. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo created their own unique, original styles, different from each other. The difference in style of both artists was probably the result of the difference in their views and personal philosophy. For instance, Leonardo da Vinci was renowned as one of the most diverse genius of all times, whereas Michelangelo had reached a tremendous success in painting and sculpture. Nevertheless, each artist was gifted and developed his own, original style. Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo were two outstanding artists, who had made a considerable impact on the development of Italian and European art due to innovativeness of their art and perfection which they had reached in their artistic works.

Michelangelo “The Last Judgment”

Michelangelo became popular due to his paintings and sculptures, which bear original marks that distinguished Michelangelo’s style from those of other artists. He was particularly successful in painting and decoration of cathedrals. Religious themes played the central part in the creative work of Michelangelo. In this respect, it is worth mentioning Michelangelo’s “The Last Judgment”. The painting is based on the Biblical legends. In fact, the painting depicts the second coming of Christ and apocalypses. Unlike traditional paintings, this work was really revolutionary and severely criticized for its naturalism.  Michelangelo depicts human figures naked that was totally unacceptable to the conservative part of society of that epoch. In such a way, the painter combined the traditional divine plot of the last judgment with naturalism of depiction of humans. This work was so provocative that it was later redone and the genetalia were covered by the artist Daniele de Volterra but the innovative ideas of Michelangelo had already influenced and changed the art of that epoch.

At this point, Michelangelo clearly turned to the classical tradition of ancient Rome, when human body and natural depiction of humans were milestones of art and different art forms. The naturalism in “The Last Judgment” by Michelangelo became one of the key features and the characteristic of his creative work. At the same time, such naturalism was quite unusual and innovative for his time. Michelangelo made his work original and close to the real life. As a result, the divine plot became highly realistic that enhanced the faith of people in what was depicted by the artist. In such a way, Michelangelo stressed the importance of religion in his work but, at the same time, he managed to create original works of art, such as “The Last Judgment”, where the original depiction and naturalism made divine closer to people and reached the large audience.

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