Peer Review Journal Article

Today, the problem of strategic learning is crucial for many organizations because learning is essential for the steady development of organizations in the contemporary business environment. In this respect, it is possible to refer to the article “Strategic Learning: The Continuous Side of Discontinuous Strategic Change” by Kutaro Kuwada, where the author focuses on the problem of introduction of changes in organizations and their close relationships with the learning in organizations. At this point, it is important to place emphasis on the fact that the author clearly identifies the importance of strategic learning for the successful accomplishment of changes in modern organizations because changes occur frequently due to the rapid progress of technologies and fast socioeconomic changes.

The author focuses on the use of qualitative methods of analysis mainly. The author conducts the study of successful companies that have implemented the change and introduced changes in their strategic development along with the change in their learning. The author attempted to explore the relationship between learning and successful accomplishment of changes in organizations. At the same time, the author conducted experiments which helped him to reveal the dependence of the overall progress of individuals working in organization and their learning. To put it more precisely, the attempted to prove that learning contributes to the improvement of professional skills of employees and lays the foundation for the strategic development of organizations contributing to their flexibility.

In fact, the author reveals the fact that learning is strategically important for modern organizations because they need well-qualified professionals, who can adapt new technologies and methods of work fast. In such a way, the effectiveness of employees increases substantially, if they are well-trained and if companies stimulate their learning. In this regard, the author arrives to the conclusion that modern organizations should focus on the development of effective learning of employees and what is more, they should develop the desire of employees to learn. In such a way, organizations should develop learning as a part of their strategic development.

On analyzing the article by Kuwada, it is should be said that the author raises an important problem and it is hardly possible to disagree with the conclusions he makes in the article. Nevertheless, it is worth mentioning the fact that the author needs to conduct an in-depth analysis involving quantitative methods of analysis to prove that learning and strategic development of organizations is closely intertwined. For instance, it is possible to compare how much organizations invest in the research and development, training of their employees and how these programs influence benefits and revenues of the organizations. At the same time, the findings of the study are very important because they indicate clearly to the importance of learning in the contemporary business environment. In fact, the author helps to understand how significant learning may be for contemporary organizations. At this point, organizations should take into consideration the conclusions made by the author and his recommendations because they can help organizations to improve their performance. On the other hand, the author should pay more attention to the analysis of the current situation in the socioeconomic development to show the full extent to which learning is essential for modern organizations. Moreover, modern organizations just cannot ignore learning because it is essential for their survival in the competitive environment.





Kuwada, K. (1998). “Strategic Learning: The Continuous Side of Discontinuous Strategic Change.” Organizational Science, 9(6), p.719-736.
Burgelman, R. (1983). “A model of the interaction of strategic behavior, corporate context, and the concept of strategy.” Academy of Management Review, 8,(1), p. 91-103.

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