- May 19, 2012
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Essay Types
If you are writing such essay like a personal, you have to be a rather strong and skilled author, and have an opportunity to grab the attention of all the readers. You should get something in your work that could hold people’s attention from the very beginning and till the end of the story. And any further we will talk about six methods and ideas for your personal composition.
As a rule, in the first person should be written the personal essays. And when you write in this way, you are speaking only from yourself. Therefore, you can make observations of other characters, but you cannot speak for them or actually know their thoughts. Mostly, personal writings are set out in the past tense. The writer is relating some cases that happened to him or her the way he or she feels about some situations by giving examples.
Always remember about positive language. It is always far more effective than the negative one. It is good not only in a writing world, but in a real life too. Our brains do not like negative things; we just do not hear them.
Short funny anecdote or amusing joke will do the best in your essay:
If you start your writing with a short funny anecdote or amusing joke, it will allure the reader 100 percent. After it you may write anything about everything, it will be already interesting. Make a short plan of your composition and begin your writing.
Provide some valuable and weighty information:
Information that is interesting or even fantastic to be shared with the audience provided that is appropriate to the composition topic. It can be any fresh news or, may be, any fascinating story from your life.
Your essay can be started with the quote:
It can be the most valuable and important technique to attract the attention of your readers. Even some well-known writers use this strategy to create the best impression on the reader. Such method always work, at least, you may try.
Start your writing with a good question:
If you know what your readers interested in, it is a good chance to begin the essay with question on this subject. In this way you will keep their priceless attention and they will read your story till the last word.
Give some advices:
Well, this technique is also pretty good and useful in a case, like in previous recommendation, when you know your audience and the needs.