Personal Marketing Plan

In today’s world a person is planning everything from the cost to travel routes. And it is absolutely correct. Thus, this is the only way you can achieve not only immediate results, but long-term. But when it comes to careers, the majority somehow forget to plan or do not do it properly”¦ perhaps due to the fact that his career seems to be something just is not planned. Many people think that personal marketing plan will help a person succeed.

Career ”“ is a process of self-realization of man through professional activities. Career planning begins with the process, rather than employment (as is commonly believed). Optimally people should begin planning a career in high school before they make career choices and to act in the establishment of vocational training. But in most cases an understanding of the need to plan occurs later ”“ a person spends most important resource of a career, and life in general ”“ time, as stated in Career planning.

Career planning ”“ is one of the areas of personnel work in an organization focused on defining strategies and stages of development and promotion specialists. This process intends comparing the potential, abilities and goals of the person with the requirements of the organization, strategy and plans for its development, as reflected in the programming of professional and career development, according to Career planning.

Time planned a career making process of its construction managed and measured effectiveness. Personal career plan – this is own personal GPS-navigator, based on a person’s values and priorities, paving the way to vibrant modern life and does not let you go astray and forget their main purpose and mission, as described in Do You Have A Marketing Plan For Yourself?
In the current essay I will create a Personal Marketing Plan. The Personal Marketing Plan will help me identify and plot current career development opportunities. To create it, I will make a grid outlining three current goals and the steps and resources required to achieve them. I am Animation Major- Storyboard Artist and I am from Hong Kong. Therefore, if I need to stay in USA for work, I will need the company to apply H-1 visa for me. My goals that I want to accomplish within the next year will be to get a job, to improve my knowledge and experience, and to become a screenwriter. My current goals and the steps and resources required to achieve my goals have to be always present in my mind, and taken into consideration when I face the choice and some unexpected situation occurs. This way, it will help to concentrate and to remember about the true goals and expectations from the current career.

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