The Diverse Nature of Psychology Paper

The Diverse Nature of Psychology Paper

Psychology has a diverse nature. Psychology is the discipline that studies mental processes, including internal cognitive processes of individuals, as well as sociocognitive processes that occur in society, which involves culture. The field of mental processes includes various cognitive phenomena, emotional and conative, as well as the structures of reasoning and cultural rationality. The Latin word – psychology was first used by the poet and Christian humanist in his book Marko Marulić “Psichiologia of Humanae animae ratione” in the late fifteenth or early XVI.

Psychology ”“ is an area of scientific knowledge, exploring the features and patterns of occurrence, formation and development (change) mental processes (sensation, perception, memory, thought, imagination), mental states (tension, motivation, frustration, emotion, feelings), and mental properties (orientation, abilities, inclinations, character, temperament) rights, and psyche of animals, according to What Is Psychology? (2010).

There is an influence of diversity on psychology’s major concepts. The diversity of the field helps and hurts the field, as there are certain aspects with advantages and disadvantages for the science. There are many different points of view that is studying psychology. Psychology must answer the question about why people (or any other medium of the psyche) behave in one way or another, according to Diversity- the nature of psychology (2010).

To describe the theoretical constructs that can explain human behavior, there are different names, the most frequent of which – the psyche. However, for example, behaviorists reject any research problem of unobserved variables that might determine the behavior, insisting that only the behavior itself and determining its external situation may be the subject of research.

There are a number of sections of psychology involved in the study of individual parts of its subject. Traditionally, the topics of psychology is divided into 2 groups:
Fundamental: general psychology, developmental psychology (psychology), differential psychology, clinical psychology, educational psychology, experimental psychology, psychology of work and social psychology, organizational psychology, psychology of religion.

Applications: legal psychology, child psychology, acmeology, gerontopsychology, neuropsychology, psychology, natural, pathopsychology, psychogenetics, zoopsychology, special psychology, psychology of creativity, family psychology, psychology of advertising, sport psychology, military psychology, and others.
There can be identified the examples of subdisciplines of psychology. Examples of major concepts and their subtopics include the following: Motivation: theory of emotion, and approach and avoidance; Behaviorism: aggression, cheating, and binge drinking.

Motivation – is a call to action, the dynamic process of physiological and psychological plan, managing human behavior, characterized by its direction, organization, activity and stability and the ability of human activities to meet their needs. Motivation is under an intellectual subbase, emotions only indirectly influence the process.

It is known that in order to carry out activities it is required an adequate motivation. However, if motivation is too strong, there is increasing the level of activity and stress, resulting in activity (and behavior) occur certain disorders, for example, performance deterioration. In this case, the high level of motivation has undesirable emotional reactions (stress, anxiety, stress, etc.), which leads to a deterioration of activity. Experimentally established some optimum (optimum level) motivation, in which the activity is performed best (for a given person in a particular situation). The subsequent increase in motivation would not lead to improvement and deterioration of performance. Thus, a very high level of motivation is not always the best. There is a certain limit, beyond which further increases of the motivation lead to a deterioration of results.

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