- July 30, 2012
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Sample essay papers
Integration of IT world in all the spheres of contemporary human’s life, business and education as well. IT technologies are used to improve and make the lives of humans easier and more interesting. It won’t be a secret that a number of resources such as Internet and different social networks: blogs, facebook, twitter and many other social services has become an essential part of life of every teenager and even adults. People spend hours communicating through the virtual reality, using numerous resources for social self expression, in particular. A number of social services provided via Internet could be used in a good advantage for education, providing a new word in the methods of teaching and methods of learning. Integration of IT in the education is now under discussion of numerous scientists. They investigate what influence internet and social networks as a part of it could make a good advantage for education system. Web 2.0 is mainly under the discussion as it is the one and only now working on integration of social networking in particular as a part of IT in the educational systems all over the world. Many scientists are persuaded that future of educational systems is hidden in Web 2.0 (Alexander, 2009).
What is Web 2.0
Web 2. 0 is the method of system projection, which is mainly connected with Internet applications that assist with online collaboration with world wide web, information sharing, user centered design and interoperability (Prashant Sharma, 2008). Tim O’Reilly was the one who invented Web 2.0 (It will be essential to not that Web 2.0 term is not considered to be a scientific one). Still Web 2.0 is not considered to be principally new Invention. It unites a number of ideas that were used long before the appearing of Web 2.0. Blogs and wikis are considered to belong to Web 2.0 technologies.
Exploring Scientific and Educational Value of Web 2.0
As it was mentioned earlier Web 2.0 technologies are now actively used for contemporary educational establishment in order to provide more efficient and contemporary (what is more – interesting) methods of education (Higdon, Topaz, 2009) . Almost every university is using Web 2.0 ideas to provide new ideas and principles on the methods of educations. The results of new invention show pretty different outcomes.
At first we should examine experimental programs which were aimed on finding out the effectiveness of social networking integration in the educative process of contemporary educational establishments. The investigators mainly involved volunteers for their researches. That is why their scientific reports mention certain faults as not the whole course was undergoing the experiment(Dohn, 2009), (Cole, 2009). The authors found out that everyday using of social networks such as facebook, twitter, livejournal and many others created sophisticated, even special manner of thinking. One of the projects, investigating Web 2.0 influence on the educational system completely failed, because of such a specific manner of thinking and personal attitude of respondents. The major part of volunteers that took an active part in experiment signified that unsuitable design (but not the treat of privacy violation) was the reason they did not actually wanted to take an active part in this project (Cole, 2009). Yet the negative experiment showed that some specific characteristics are necessary for successful inventing and promotion of Web 2.0 in this institution. Design is influential feature for further development and successful integration of Web 2.0. That is probably the main outcome, which will seriously influence further development of the process. Some, even insignificant things could seriously influence the process and even make it a complete fail.
Web 2.0 wide spread influenced web design as well: preferable are rounding imitations of convex surfaces, imitation of reflections in a glance plastic manner of contemporary hi-end technologies. Generally it makes the web site pleasant looking and more attractive to general user. The design ideas seriously influence the success of the whole project. Graphics of these web-pages take large amount of resource than using skeptic design. Partially this tendency was developed under the influence of new operational systems as they were using the described ideas for further promotions. Web 2.0 actually ”˜inculcates’ such a manner of thinking, putting design features ahead the usability.
This question illustrates the development of certain manner of thinking among the regular users of web 2.0 technologies. Some scientists studied this question and came out to the conclusion that social networking develops strong collective skills that could help in realization of collectively set tasks. As for individuality and personal manner of thinking the investigators still have many questions on this question as this subject is very contradictory and they could not provide direct answer. Some investigators suppose that Web 2.0Â Â providing development of collective thinking lessen personal opinion.
The investigators also come to the conclusion that the role of teacher and the institution should be changed too. As for further development contemporary roles are not actually good to provide successful co-operation between Web 2.0, students and institutions (Luckina, Clarka, Graber, Logana, Meea, Oliver, 2009). The shift solution should be undertaken complexly. Finally the authors came to conclusion that web 2.0 involvement to the educational process would have rather positive than negative influence (Williams, Chinn, 2009). Yes, it will cause a number of changes and shifts in the whole system and process organization itself. Bit in fact, usability and integration of Web 2.0 will ease the controlling task of the teacher assisting students in providing certain choices and selections. The potential of Web 2.0 as every new invention needs certain changes in the whole system of education. A number of scientists insist on the fact that invention should not be sharp and immediate as it needs structural background for these changes and all the establishments and institutions should be involved from the very beginning of educational process. The situation with IT technologies in present day world is developing in such a way, that people soon will be able to use computer even not being able to speak yet. It may sound groundless and even funny, but the scientific technical progress does not stand still and is development cause immediate changes. Web 2.0 invention is also such a change. Socialization and a number of social activities are using Internet and on-line communication for their purpose, education should be contemporary and use the newest technologies for further promotion (Bayne, Land, 2009).
The development process does not stand still and cause a number of methods the authors would like to share with their colleagues by personal successful results. Deep investigative research could not be evaluated as efficient without practice support. Blog sphere is one of the widest themes for exploration. Providing your personal blog sphere with a number of services, the tutor will be able to control and provide appropriate directions for the students”(Duplichan, 2009). Many scientists come to the conclusion that Web 2.0 is efficient for collaborative tasks prepared at home and will be appropriately used for distance learning as correspondence courses. The development of collaborative and personal skills could be signified by the tutor using Web 2.0 easily as it will be possible to use monitoring systems which will signify and appropriately evaluate the contribution of every participant for the collaborative tasks and personal development in the personal tasks (Hazari, North, 2009).
A number of investigators, understanding that future development of IT technologies would displace the old educational system found out in their investigations that wikis and other web 2.0 tools will be able to help in attraction of the students and promoting for further education as it creates very special way of thinking(Neuman, Hood, 2009). Let’s see on the example of the educational system of the United States of America. Using innovative technologies could really be a good advantage for promotion education (Cole, 2009). It is well known statistical fact that a number of students do not finish educational establishments just because of lack motivation. A number of scientists suggest making the educational process more exciting and interesting for the students (less “formal” or something like that) to promote their wishes for further education. The investigators think that formation of so called ”˜wiki manner of thinking’ will apply for further promotion of education: “The argument that the use of wikis in a learning environment involves a different way of thinking, learning and knowing than perhaps many practitioners are familiar with. In particular, wikis foster collaborative, egalitarian learning that is designed to foster group interaction instead of just individual performance. Moreover, wiki based learning involves community ideals and challenging modes of interaction for both learners and instructors. Wikis foster a deeper style of learning that is more collaborative, reflecting and cooperative than traditional ”˜competitive’ assessment. They are by nature anti-authoritarian, socially constructed, role shifting spaces that are used to create ”˜shared knowledge’. In particular, they can be used to build pathways to competency, which represents the greatest challenge to academics wishing to apply the technology” (Ruth, Houghton, 2009)
It will not be really surprising to know that the surrounding influences the individual with its positives and negatives.
Promotion wikis and blogs as tools of Web 2.0, which is a part of educative systems seems to be really good idea.
Promoting collaborative skills and participating in collective tasks will provide some new features within the individually oriented educational system. Yes, the question of individual approach is still acute but in the aspect of total socialization via Internet it will be essential to note that social aspect and collaborative one are among the most significant in the present day educational system. Personally I think that system integration will positively reflect on the social communication and co-operation. It will have also quite a positive effect of the formation of team building skills and cooperating within the team. Still operating within Web 2.0 the unique nature of every individual, student in particular, should be observed. Taking into consideration psychological aspect we should note the fact that every human want to be unique, even being social creature. The competitive element also has a significant influence for further development and should be takes into consideration as well. Support and participating in social activities with Web 2.0 as a part educational process has become one of the most contradictory questions. A number of students refused in participation in certain exploration motivating their refusal the privacy violation.
The violation of privacy within Web 2.0 technologies such tools like blogs and wikis has already become quite a contradictory question as it was raised for many times. Yes, every human has a right for privacy. But every day we communicate with a number of people, participate in different social activities. Actually educational process is also a part of social communication and cooperation. Participating in the social life people do not think about violation of their privacy. Privacy and private information is kept by themselves. A number of scientific researches showed that noting threatens the privacy of those students, participating in different Web 2.0 tools providing educative aims for them. The question is really significant as the rights for privacy is one of the human rights provided on the international level. The question will be raised not once or twice it will be raised until the final solution will be found.
Personally I do not thing that the violation took place within using Web 2.0 tools for educational purpose. I think that right for privacy is observed within integration of IT in the educational sphere.
Virtual World technologies and their deep integration have already provided a significant integration within the educational systems. It seriously influence on the quality of academic writing, it was signified by the investigation of Steve Wheeler and Dawn Wheeler (Wheeler, Wheeler, 2009). Still researchers noted that negatives are also present within the integration of Web 2.0 in the education.
Negative Aspects of Web 2.0 using within the education system. The influence of inner and outer factors
We could pay no attention to some outer fact but educational systems using Web 2.0 also depend on some outer factors that could cause serious problems. One of the most significant and burning problems already discussed is violation of right for privacy. Web 2.0 is interactive and friendly for the r first look; it could be easily managed by the user. But the same time gathers statistical data about the users, their preferences and interests, private life, carrier, friends could help the owner of the web site to manipulate the web society. According to the most pessimistic prognosis numerous Web 2.0 web sites and other IT technologies give a prototype of totalitarian system of so called “Big Brother”.
Using technologies web 2.0 you are becoming a lessee of service or/and of disk area from a certain corporation. The dependence is forming a row of drawbacks that seriously influence the new service. Among them are: the dependence of web sites from decisions of exterior companies, lack of confidentiality of data saved of exterior servers for plotters.
The educational system also uses exterior companies to provide their service. So the threat for confidentiality is real.
But the threat of personal data steeling from any kind of data bas is always present, for example when we use the bank service. The immediate answer on this question probably does not exist. But personally I strongly believe that in some time it will be possible to find the right solution. The development of the techniques will be able to protect students, tutors and educational establishments from plotters violating human rights.
In the cyber era educational establishments undergo significant changes as invention of wikis and blogs as the told of Web 2.0 in the educative process is happening behind our yes. The IT world of contemporary technologies is providing new, innovative and efficient systems hat will be able to correspond to all the contemporary norms and will be able to promote further development. As every new invention Web 2.0 causes contradictory feelings within the tutors, teachers and students. But the major part has already understood that the future is for modern inventions and new ideas that correspond to the new societies. The educational system should keep step with the development of contemporary technologies and it is essential that every new invention is reflected on the education. Modern era and new technologies have a significant impact and all these facebooks, twitters and livejournals have already become an essential part of our lives, we communicate to our friends and relatives using Web 2.0 (despite the threat to our privacy) and share different files and information, also we use them for self expression providing our creative works and sharing our thoughts and opinions. It is essential that blog writing and other social service provided by Web 2.0 could be used for promoting education, providing effective studies. Yes, as every modern invention Web 2.0 still many difficulties and one of he most significant is keeping private information safe from the plotters. The collaborative decisions and new inventions for web 2.0 provided by some scientists who develop the new techniques of teaching make us think that we are present on introducing new era in the field of education(Rea, Harris, 2009). Where collaboration and collective thinking will be able to help in solving the problem of successful team building and business co-operation will be performed in practice. Teacher and students themselves enter the new era of IT technologies. Even now it has a number disadvantages but heir advantages and further development (which surely give an ability to solve all the present problems) are also a noticeable feature.
Personally I support the idea of invention of web 2.0 within the educational establishments. It goes without saying that it will cause significant changes within the institutions. The role of student and tutor will be shifted and also undergo significant changes (Hew, 2009). But the performed result is supposed to be magnificent. The present day problems such as lack of motivation will be surely solved. Involving competitive ideas within the task will promote individual development; supporting and directing will surely influence collaborative way of thinking. I think that contemporary technologies have already produced very serious impact on the educational systems and now it is just the beginning.