World Peace Essay

The process of globalization which affects practically all countries of the world contributes to the consistent change of the relationship between countries, to the extent that it is even possible to speak about a significant change of the world order. In this respect, the idea of the creation of a prosperous and peaceful multilateral world order grows more and more popular. However, at the present epoch, this idea looks rather utopian than real. At the same time, it is necessary to underline that it is possible to presuppose the further integration of different countries of the world into large multinational structures, but, as a rule, such integration results in the loss of absolute sovereignty.

Therefore, the close cooperation of many countries in different fields of activity is likely to lead to the formation of large multinational structures which can increase the stability and prosperity of the world but all this can be done by means of loss of at least a part of national sovereignty of member states.

On analyzing the prospects of the modern world, it is hardly possible to ignore the fact that the modern world tends to the closer integration and cooperation between countries increases rapidly. In fact, today there are only a few states which conduct an isolationist policy separating themselves from the rest of the world. In contrast, the overwhelming majority of countries tend to the economic integration and cooperation, which naturally contributes to the higher stability and peaceful coexistence of countries. In this respect, it is worth mentioning the creation of such international trade, political and military organizations as the WTO, the NAFTA, the EU, the NATO, and many others.

Obviously, all these international organizations contribute to the closer integration of countries into the global community. For instance, the NATO is an international political and military organization which ensures the security of member states from any external military threat. The WTO, NAFTA and other international trade organizations trade and agreements aim at the elimination of fiscal barriers between countries and stimulate the development of free trade.

At first glance, the creation of such international organizations contributes to the higher stability and peace in the world along with closer cooperation between countries in different fields of activity. It proves beyond a doubt that the USA will not start the war on Canada, one of its major international economic partner in the world, because the economic and cultural integration of these countries is so profound that any military conflict or even political tension between them will inevitably affect the US or vice versa.

However, such a close integration and growing cooperation can have a side effect which threatens to the national sovereignty of states. To put it more precisely, the international cooperation has reached its apogee in Europe, where economic, cultural, political and military partnership between European countries became so close that the EU was created. Today, the EU is evolving into a new state formation, which takes a part of power which were traditionally the prerogative of nation states of Europe. In other words, the integration of European countries resulted into a partial loss of their independence and national sovereignty which they have to sacrifice for the sake of the effective functioning of the EU. In addition, in spite of the growing integration, the dominant power of the US is still obvious and it is the US and other well-developed countries which benefit the most from closer international cooperation, which opens new markets and new resources for them.

Therefore, the cooperation between countries will rather lead to the partial loss of independence by weaker countries and strengthening of the world’s leaders, such as the US, though it can facilitate the maintenance of peace in the world.

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