Interpersonal skills essay paper

My interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills can be explained as the actions and the way of thinking that is in existence within all people that control or shows some influence with our communications with other people.  Even if we are timid or bold, calm or reactive, forceful or supportive are all examples of characteristics of my interpersonal skills. We can’t develop our interpersonal skills knowingly. We learn these skills from our parents, televisions, Medias and our friends. Most children imitate people in order to learn. Many of which we know to be the truth about us and the world we live in, we do not stop and observe. But when we found that there are problems that we are given a sight into the interpersonal skills and the probability for adjustments that exists.

My interpersonal skills has shown me the ability to work effectively with other people, I have been able to explain to them on what way and method that will help them in life, I have given them a lot of teachings, acted dramas and done public or stage concerts that makes me feel like I am not shy of anyone. Mostly, people ask me for help and want to know how I feel if they do some things and they want to hear my opinion. In churches I hold a bible study group and teach them about love how it was in the bible, they ask me questions and they hold on to my answers, the way I interact with them shows I can influence people due to my interpersonal skills. I develop these skills as a child through many ways not knowingly or purposely but unconditionally.

In conclusion my interpersonal skills is helpful to people and does not affect people’s lives, my activities has also shown my abilities to work with different people and also has brought inspirations to people. So that is why interpersonal skills are always in us.

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