- March 19, 2013
- Posted by: essay
- Category: Term paper writing
First of all, according to Rice , there is a strong opinion that extending democracy can have an impact on reducing terrorism and aspiring economic prosperity, and political stability all around the world. And when democratic reform was suggested by U.S. administrations, it was announced that the state itself and the other counties will benefit perfectly from it.
Democracy promotion as a way of “winning the War on Terror was announced in the National Strategy for Combating Terrorism by the George W. Bush.”
In accordance with other experts arguments, it also may be viewed like a destabilizing factor in a country where the backlash to democracy promotion, including freedom restrictions have been documented.
Depending on the circumstances of the certain programs, democracy promotion advantages and disadvantages may change substantially.
Also, some other experts consider democracy promotion as “very successful instrument that will work in any inhospitable region or environment.”
Among the followers of democracy promotion centered policy are such influential political figures of US politics as Madeleine Albright and Condoleezza Rice. According their argumentation, one of the pros of this kind of foreign policy is that democratic countries do not go to war with one another.
Another name of this argument is the Democratic Peace Theory, which indicates on well established democracies like European countries, the United States, Canada, etc.
This theory is also can be refined by distinguishing between mature and transitional democracies that do not fight wars with each other.
But these analysts note that transitional countries are easy targets for being attacked or they also may be aggressive towards other countries (due to the weakness of governmental institutions).
Besides it, another benefit of democracy promotion is a prevention of a terrorism.
Simply through basic human rights promotion, freedoms of speech, religion, assembly, association, independent justice system providing, and due to the established order within their borders the terrorism can be defeated for a long period of time.
Encouragement of democracies has another reason ”“ a belief that it promotes economic prosperity, and followed by economic activity and economic growth.
A stable democracy like this will be perceived as a good trading partner by other countries, have a better investment climate, and they are also more likely to honor treaties.
But in accordance with some negative opinions (for example, according to Lawrence Wilkerson, the former Chief of Staff to former Secretary of State Colin Powell) , democracy promotion as a central objective of U.S. foreign policy has generated skepticism.
Also, expenditures on democracy promotion are competing with local spending priorities.
The promoting democracy tools usage (elements like foreign aid, military intervention, diplomacy, and public diplomacy, etc.) may be expensive and may provide little assurance that real long-term gains will be made, according to some critic’s opinion. And also a high probability of sustaining costly long-term nation-building programs is involved in this issue.
America’s democracy promotion efforts in Iraq, for example, are estimated to be about $10 billion per month. Is spending this amount of money for democracy promotion rather than for domestic programs worth it to American taxpayers?
According to many of US citizens’ opinion, it would be better not funding democracy promotion activities in the other countries, but using it for local needs or global challenges ( like infectious disease and extreme poverty.
Also there is a theory that democracy promotion is having a destabilizing impact on the whole region.
Big money were invested in democracy promotion in Russia, Eastern Europe, and the Middle East by US government in the last few years. And while some troubled situation like backlash against democratic reform in Russia happens, it causes a question about the value of U.S. democracy promotion investments.